I take a shakey breath, "Yes Sir."

"Okay then. See you tomorrow." He smiles but only a small one.

"Thank you." I smile my heart racing like a horse on the freeway.

I get up and walk out to meet Jesse my face still frozen emotionless.

Jesse looks at me smiling,"So?..." his smile falters, "You didn't get in?"

"No I did." I tell him the both of us walking to the tower my gaze down at my feet.

"Amy that's great!" He side hugs me as we walk.


"Okay whats wrong." He asks

"I don't think I can do it.." I tell him

He stops in his track on the sidewalk stopping me with his hand. "Woah, woah, woah. My sister not being able to do it?! My sister that surfs the most dangerous 8 feet waves with me and she can't do it?"

I look away from his eyes, "Yeah."

"Woah. Then you are not my sister."

"I am so!" I pout like a five year old.

"Well if she can't do it then you must be adopted." He tells me looking away.

I gasp, "Oh Jesse Polock don't you pull that one again." I slap him on the arm

"Well I don't know where going to have to look at the birth certificate because you can't be my twin." He tells me not looking into my eyes, I can see a smile creep it's way on his lips as he try's to hide it. The low sun defines the smile that he try's to hide.

"I can do it!" I shout, "I can do it and-and. I'll do better then you!"

He whips his head to look at me, "You can't beat first." He scoffs

"Oh yeah? Watch me. My time will be faster then yours and allllllll the lifeguards will make fun of how your sister is faster then you." I argue like I'm 5 again.

He rolls his eyes, "I like to see you try." He tells me smirking as he starts walking again.

I jog and catch up with him cross my arms. "Why are we going to the tower anyways?"

"Because I have one last sift to do before they pack up."

"And are they okay with me being in there too?" I ask having nothing else to do anyways.

"Yeah just don't get in our way."

I roll my eyes, "Fine."

We enter the Tower and theres two lifeguards sitting in swivel chairs and looking through Binoculars. One tall from the looks of it with blonde hair and one shorter then the other with brown hair.

"Maxi, Jake. Meet Amy, our possible Trainee." Jesse tells them as he sits in the empty swivel chair and grabs the binos on the counter.

They both turn in there chair now with Jesse keeping watch of the water. "Nice! Wish you the best of luck." Jake says giving me a smile before looking in the Binos again.

The blond one stands growing like a weed as he does. Man he is taller then I thought Jesse never really mentioned how tall he was......and handsome. Why would he tell you how handsome he is?? Wtf

"Nice to meet you, Jesse talks about you quite a lot." He sticks out his hand and I take it and shake.

"Nice to meet you, Jesse talks about you too." I give him a genuine smile

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