Chapter One

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^^ baskinchamp (girl in photo)

I always wanted to be a lifeguard practicing, getting every medallion in lifeguarding. But I was just too scared to sign up alone.

I don't really know anyone other than my brother, he has been a lifeguard for about a year now maybe I can sign up now that I have someone I know.

I know what your thinking, I should've sucked it up but eh.

My Twin brother Jesse who is older then me by only a few minutes may I add, aside from the usual competition in who is better at something like siblings do, I love my brother more then anything.

I go to big parties with my older brother and we love each other and protect one another, well Jesse does for me I do to but if he gets into a fight I can't help him. Trust me, I tried before and it didn't really work out...let's just say I got a black eye. But you should see the other guy, Jesse tore him apart and my ex never saw the light of day after that to scared of Jess.

We both surfed with Koby Abberton as our mentor. He was a Bra Boy no less and Jesse joined him. I did too but I'm technically not a Bra Boy because you know...I'm not a boy but Jesse took me along anyways so the Bra Boys are like a second family to me.

I've been putting being a trainee off for a while and missed my chance last year when my brother joined. But this year is different my bother pushed me into joining knowing I want too.

I'm a shy girl at times but I can be really fun, exciting, bubbly, your best friend and basically a fun person to be around that that's how I usually am, But I wait, in the waiting room outside of Hoppo's office nervous then ever.

I bite my nails nervously an old habit that's not so old anymore.

Jesse slapped my hand, "Don't bite your nails." He said

"Ow!" I look at him narrowing my eyes, "Okay mom."

"Don't be nervous. Your going to be fine."

"I still have to do the test too." I tell him now nervously bouncing my foot.

"And your going to rock it. Your me sister you'll blow everyone away."

I whimper nervously as I look at him.

"Amelia Polock." Hoppo calls out

My heart stops in my chest I quickly get up to leave but Jesse grabs me.

"Yeah she's over here." Jesse says for me pushing me towards the door.

I smile nervously as I face the man. Jesse told me he's a teddy bear inside but he sure looked a little intimidating

"Come in." He tells me

I swollow a lump in my throat, "And enter the room.

"Close the door behind you." He tells me.

"O-Okay." I stutter my voice quieter then I wanted it to.

"Take a seat." I nod and plop in the chair. "So your Polock's sister are ya?"

"Mhm." I smile covering my nervous state.

"So it says here that you have all the medallions in lifeguarding, CPR training, you completed the Red Cross. And you know how to ride the Jet Ski. Your an amazing surfer referenced by Koby Abberton."

"Yup that's me."

"Well then. Your test starts tomorrow." Just like that? "There you'll complete a training exercise and the three on top will be our new trainees. But it doesn't stop there. You'll have to show that your a good lifeguard as one will be illuminated. Are you up for that?"

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