Chapter Twenty-Two: Resisting

Start from the beginning

"You can't boss me around yet shrimp," he laughs.

"I'm not a shrimp, dog-boy!" I cry indignantly, while he glares at me. "And what do you mean yet?"

"You aren't officially the Luna until the mating is completed," he says casually, teasingly tossing the remote back and forth between his hands.

"How do you know it's not?"

"For one, you aren't marked yet."

"By my choice!"

"And that's because...?"

"Because I'm punishing him for kidnapping me. Duh." He chuckles, and flips the show from that sadistic one to something else.

"Good luck with that. You'll give in before you've gotten your point across."

"Me? Give in? Oh Carter, you're so funny. You're underestimating the power of my stubbornness."

"Trust me. You won't be able to resist it."

"How would you know? As far as I know, the most you know about mating is the sex part."

"It's common knowledge. Just wait; I give you three days tops." I scoff, thinking that he is underestimating my amazing will power. If I can resist one of my loves, which would be food, I can resist my one true love.

"That's too easy," I say, brushing it off. He rolls his eyes, and switches the channel yet again to a movie playing. My eyes widen as I register what is playing. "Carter. Turn. It. Off," I say slowly. He gives me a weird look, before looking at the screen and smirking.

"I say we get some popcorn."

*Cayton's POV*

"And I was thinking that the food table could be set up on the patio, and the tables and chairs around the perimeter of the yard..." I listen to my mother continue on about how to set up the backyard for the upcoming party.

Silently letting out an impatient huff, I continue probing my food with my fork, too preoccupied with my thoughts to pay too much attention to what my mother is saying.

Leaving Macy alone with Carter wasn't one of my best decisions, and it's making me a little apprehensive. It was the best I could do on short-notice though. It's not that I don't trust either of them; it's that my wolf doesn't like the idea of anyone alone with our mate. And, well, Carter does enjoy pushing me.

"And if you boys plan on playing those silly football games, then we will have to set everything up around that," my mother says, pausing when I guess she notices I'm not paying too much attention.

"Sounds good to me," I say, putting my fork down and taking a sip of my water.

"Son, are you even listening? You know that this is important," she reprimands.

"Yes mother..."

"And would it kill you to dress up? I mean honestly son, you're Alpha. You should look presentable."

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. "I was too in a hurry to get here to care about what I was wearing."

"Well, no matter, we are in the back," she shrugs, daintily wiping the corners of her mouth with a napkin. "So, how is she?" I didn't have to ask to know the 'she' that she was referring to is Macy.

"She's doing well," I reply.

"And why didn't you bring her? This is a party in her honor. I'm sure she would love to have a say in the planning."

"And I'm sure she wouldn't."

She sighs, shaking her head with a smile playing on her lips. "You're just like your father, you know that right?"

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