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A/N: Yes, it's an epilogue. I update one day faster since I'll be having important meetings tomorrow. I hope you enjoy this one too. And keep voting btw.


"Keep him for two or three days before you let him go." I brief my plan to the three men in my living room. They are all wearing black suits and currently standing in front of me. The one with blonde hair and green eyes is George, and the others are his subordinates.

George is one of my father's most trusted persons. He used to work with my dad as a bodyguard. He's only in his late twenties right now. But despite of his young age, he is actually very lethal and effective. My father once said that he's been living a tough gangster life before our family took him in.

He is extremely loyal towards my parents. And now that they're no longer around, George has been dedicating his life to me. He has made it a mission to repay the kindness that my father had given him in the past. I don't know the details, but it was something about my father saving his family.

I order George to stay in New York to spy around my greedy uncle and to report to me whenever he finds anything fishy inside my companies. But sometimes I will call him here to do some jobs, like tonight. I like his work and he's definitely an expert in this field.

"Just keeping him captive?" George inquires.

I shift my sitting position in the sofa to lean against the back rest. Carefully enough not to make a mess on the black tuxedo I am currently wearing, even though I know it's not that easy to create crumples on such a high-quality fabric.

"Rape him non-stop. Bring more people if you have to, or use whatever." I speak using a cold but authoritative tone, carefully enough not to show emotions. "Just make sure you don't stop until he passes out, then you can toss him somewhere to be found."

George's eyes widen as he listens to the order. He's probably curious as to why I want someone to suffer like that. But he knows better than to verbalize his curiosity. He is not in the place where he can ask me that. He also understands that he just has to obey.

"I want it clean. Make sure there's no trace of semen left before you dump him."

I understand that they know this already since they're not amateurs. They know how to do this kind of job. But still I have to mention it because I don't tolerate any kind of recklessness that can lead police's nose towards my direction.

"Is that clear?" I ask calmly to confirm.

"Yes, Sir." The three of them answer.

"Good. Now you can go and get it done. I have a prom to attend right now. Don't call me before I call first. I'm not to be disturbed for the next few days." I raise from my seat and tidy up my tuxedo.

"Yes, Sir. Have a good evening." George bows his head in respect before he dismisses himself. His two subordinates then soon follow.

I have a feeling that it's going to be a good evening indeed. I get to bring the most breath-taking being to the prom dance as my plus one while imagining Mikey about to get raped non-stop for few days. That's a payback for even considering to shoot my Louis. No one mess with my property and then simply walk free. Even though my golden-hearted baby doesn't want to press charges against him, that doesn't mean I can just let the matter slide. No. F*cking. Way.

"Master Young."

I throw a glance to a middle-aged man that is entering my living room. He is now wearing a black uniform and white gloves. He is one of my drivers. "Is the car ready?"

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