Part 13

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They asked me to join prom committee. Could you please wait a bit? We're gonna have a short introductory meeting later after school. - W

I reread the text that William sent me half an hour ago. He's probably heading to that meeting right now. The clock in my phone is currently showing 16:05. It's only been five minutes since the school bell rang. Now I have to be somewhere to wait for him. After putting all my books back in the locker, I carry my messenger bag and make my way to the parking lot behind the school building.

There are a lot of benches near the parking lot. But I don't plan to sit there though. Usually, those benches are crowded and fully occupied at this hour. Many students stay there before going home to do various activities with their group of friends. Chatting, eating snacks, playing guitar, having discussions, singing, copying friend's notes or homework, and many other things including making out.

Even though crowd is no longer appear to be a threat to me as it used to be, I still have this unsettling feeling like I don't belong there. I don't think they'll be acting fine if I decide to just join in sitting on their benches. I know it's probably just my lacking in self-confidence, but it's difficult to get rid of this feeling. I'd like to think that it might have been embossed too strong on my personality.

I walk to the right side of the building, heading to a less crowded area. I know there's one bench in that area that's almost never been sat on by most of the students. Why? Because it's located nearby the dumpster corner and is too secluded for their liking. I know this place because this used to be one of my hiding spots whenever I tried to avoid meeting with bullies. But of course, most the time, Ethan could always find me here and instructed his friends to throw me into the dumpster. Now that those painful days have passed, I realize something that never came across my mind before. Despite Ethan's unarguably deep hatred towards me, somehow, he still knows a little bit or two about me and my nature. That's probably why he could easily find my hiding spots back then.

I take a sit at the only bench in this secluded area. As expected, it is unoccupied and there's no one here other than myself. Alright, this is perfect. I can just sit here until William finished with his meeting. He said it won't take too long for it's only an introductory. I pull out my phone and earphones from my bag. I decide to watch some cooking videos in YouTube to kill time. But by the time I'm about to put my earphones on, I hear someone groans in pain. I hold my breath to be able to listen more carefully. That's when I hear more groans and whimpers. I look around but I am the only one there.

In a haste, I put my earphones back in my bag and put the phone inside my jeans back pocket. I get up from my seat and start to cover more areas to look for the source of that voice. Someone's probably hurting and in need of help.

It's not until I take a right turn that I find the sight of Ethan kicking someone in his stomach repeatedly near the big dumpster. In a complete silence, I walk a bit closer to see the poor boy who happens to be Ethan's new victim. And I'm really shocked when I find out who the victim is. He is Tim. His tall and skinny figure is now curling on the ground, trying his best to avoid those sadistic kicking. He has blood dripping from his lips and a black eye, from the previous beatings I suppose. But no matter how concerning Tim's current condition is, Ethan doesn't seem to show any signs of mercy, nor even slowing down. He's probably in an absolute rage.

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