She knew it was going to leave a mark but just his slight touch was enough to make her forget the world.

"You know you are going to be punished now." he said smiling into her neck and Eva laughed.

"How are you going to punish me?" she played innocent  but still couldn't help the wide grin on her face.

" I think I have some really good ideas." he said as his hand took the possession of her breast.

"Your mind is quite creative f - for someone who j- just woke up." she shivered under his touch.

"Probably because I can never get enough of you." he said while placing  a feathering kiss on her breast.

Just then she remembered something very important and she pushed him.

"What happened?" he asked. His pupils still dark.

"Er- I wanted to tell you something."

"Can't we talk about it later?" he asked placing a kiss on her forehead.

"No. I need to tell you now."

"OK. What is so important?"

"My periods are late by 2 months." she said gulping her nervousness.

The passionate heat of his eyes now disappeared as if it was never there  before. He sat up straight and frowned.

For a moment Eva regretted her decision of telling him now but now that she had started talking she couldn't go back.

She too sat straight on the bed crossing her legs as she continued, "So I checked this morning and well...I am pregnant." she said with her head lowered. It wasn't that she was sad but she just couldn't lie  to him while looking into his eyes.

There was silence before she finally heard his voice.
"You are lying. Right? I never forgot to use a protection."

This man! Eva  looked up pursing her lips.
"Well, protection don't work all the time."

He went quiet. His shoulders tensed as his eyes moved from her face to her flat stomach. The last time she had told him about her pregnancy he was elated at the news but then after listening to her screams and cries from the Labour room he had made his mind that he would not have another child.

He always made sure that he used protection. His mom had died giving birth to the second child and that memory from his past  only raised his fears. What he would he do if something or anything happened to her. How would he survive.

Eva noticed the cold sweat on his face. He was sweating even though the air conditioner was on. She felt bad for deceiving him like this but she wanted one more child and he needed to win against his fear.

She took his hand in hers and placed it on her stomach.

"Do you remember when you  heard Sophie's heartbeat for the first time when she was in my womb?"

He looked at her and slowly nodded.

"Do you remember when she had kicked for the first time?"

He nodded his head into a yes again.
Of course how could he forget that. Placing his ear on her tummy just to hear any little movement the baby makes  had become his favourite hobby. He smiled at the memory.

"Then why are you so scared? Let's just  celebrate this new life." she smiled at him

The smile disappeared from his face again as he looked into her eyes.
"I am scared because I remember your cries from the Labour room. I don't think I can bear that again."

It began with a kiss (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now