Chapter - 28 Breakfast and Questions

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"What do you think? Did something happened between us last night?"he asked in a very soft voice.

Her heart started beating wildly. She wasn't sure if she wanted to hear the answer of this question let alone thinking about the possibilities of it actually happening.

'If I had known the answer then I wouldn't have been sitting here asking such embarrassing questions!' She screamed in her head.

Liam could see the slight tremble of her hands and felt guilty to make her feel like this.

"No, Eva. Nothing happened between us last night. You were so drunk that after changing the clothes you just went to sleep."

She took a sigh of relief which didn't go unnoticed on his part. She now felt relaxed but then another question popped up in her head, where had he slept last night? She looked up at him and realised that he was still watching her. She quickly lowered her eyes.
'If nothing happened between us then he must have slept in some other room. Of course, nothing happened between us because we slept in separate room on separate beds.' she tried to convince herself.

"Stop thinking so much,Eva. Nothing happened between us." he said as she looked up at him. Holding her gaze he leaned a little towards her and said giving a devilish smile,"And if anything had happened between us then do you think you would have managed to get out of the bed let alone walking all the way down here and sitting so comfortably. Hmm?"

She turned red and her eyes fluttered in embarrassment as she still wondered if he actually said this. She wasn't sure if her ears had heard him correctly.

He got up taking his empty coffee mug and her hangover drink which she had hardly touched. After putting his coffe mug for washing he placed her drink in microwave to reheat it.

He placed some sandwiches and an omelette in front of her and said,"Eat something and I will drop you at your apartment."
He placed her hangover drink in front of her again and prepared a sandwich and an omelette for himself.
"I hope I answered all your questions."

"Uh.. pretty much." she said in a low voice. "Shouldn't we be in office at the moment?" She questioned as she finally realised it was already 10 am.

"It's alright. I am giving you a leave today." he said taking his seat.
"Eat now."

She lowered her head to look at the plate and avoid any possible glimpse of the virile man sitting in front of her. But Alas! it wasn't that easy. She couldn't ignore those long beautiful fingers cutting his omelette.

'God is so unfair! He should  send such good looking people with a small board hanging around their neck saying 'Dangerous territory. Don't drool over him!'' she almost choked on the bite of sandwich she had in her mouth.

"Are you alright?" he asked looking concerned.

"Yeah. I am ok." she said taking a sip of hot hangover drink.

"You should give your imagination some rest. At least when you are eating." he said looking at her.

"I wasn't thinking anything!" Eva tried to defend herself but the guilty flush of her cheeks was the evidence that she was caught red handed.

"Finish it quickly and your clothes will arrive soon." he said and they heard the doorbell ring.
He went to open the door and came back a few minutes later with a carry bag in his hands.

After they finished the breakfast he told her the direction to another room whose bathroom she could use to freshen up. After giving her the bag of clothes he headed towards his room.

Eva was now alone. Sitting in a bathtub she was trying to calm her mind and forget the  memories of past few hours  but even the cold water wasn't working to lower the heat of her embarrassment.

"Gosh! I spent one whole night here! But I am glad that I didn't lose my virginity. I want to cherish it till I find someone I really love." she smiled to herself.
"But Eva don't get yourself drunk like that ever again. You are lucky that he didn't do anything to you."

Just then she remembered his words from earlier. That if he had done anything then she would have failed to even get up from the bed. Her cheeks turned red at the memory.

" I can't believe he said something like that! But then again I am sure that that wasn't my imagination. He did said that!" she was feeling flustered. She moved a little to check if she was hurting anywhere but there was no pain in her muscles. If there was something then it was just a bucket full of shame in which she wanted to drown her self.

Finally after the shower she changed into the new clothes brought for her. She was surprised to find that they fitted her perfectly. Though she wasn't sure if she wanted to know how he knew her measurements. No. She was just thankful for his kindness.

As she was descending the stairs she heard Liam's voice from the living room,"Shut up, Alex! There is nothing like that." he sounded irritated.

'So he is talking to Alex. Working even though he said he would take a leave but then again he is a businessman and if he wants to keep his riches then he needs to work hard.'

"Ok if you find that suitable than hire him and I leave the rest to you."

She stood in the doorway waiting for him to finish his call. It was as if he realised her presence before he even saw her that he turned around and looked at her. Checking her out from head to toe. She couldn't help but feel a bit nervous and elated at the same time.

"Alright. I'll call you later." With that he ended the call.

He was wearing a white t shirt and blue denim jeans. On that white T-shirt he was wearing a green jacket. The same green jacket that he was wearing when she  had mistook him for Amelia's cousin and had kissed him on his first day to New York branch of his office. She could feel her cheeks turning pink.
'Why did he wear this?'

"Shall we leave now, Ms Rose?" he asked.

"Ok." she smiled politely.

He took his keys and they walked towards his car. He opened the door of passenger seat for her and himself took to the steering wheel and soon they were out on the busy road of New York city.

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