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Harry's Pov

I must have died and gone to heaven.

Watching Catalina cûm again on me was my favorite sight to see out of everything I have seen in my entire life.

Feeling her around me, finally, just proved to me how much I wanted her to be in my life forever.

Even though she had done the stupidest shît just from overthinking and assuming, I couldn't, for the life of me, remain mad at her.

These feelings could not be said about Mia, she had always found a way to get on my nerves even with how much I loved her.

There I go again, I keep comparing things between Mia and Catalina.

This needs to stop or I will lose the woman I truly want to be with.

I pulled out of Catalina, feeling so good, only for her to sink under the clear blue water which made me laugh.

I spotted my boxers and swam over to pull them back on just incase someone was home to see me.

I needed to cover my woman now.

I gathered her clothing and lifted her up and got her dressed which she was thankful for.

I had to ask her now, no matter how tired she was she had to know.

"Thank you baby"

Her voice sounded like complete sex all on its own and I could've just taken her again but I was way too drained from the performance I just gave.

"Of course. Now I know you're exhausted but I have to ask you this now"

She blinked then looked up into my eyes with her gorgeous brownish-green ones.

"Ask away"

Here goes nothing.

"Will you officially be mine?"

Her small smile faltered into a shocked expression and I became really scared all of a sudden.

"B-but it's totally okay if you're not ready"

She swam up closer to me and reached her hands up to grab onto my jaw.

I felt my heart beat faster, feeling anxious for her next words.

"Yes Harry. I will be yours"

I felt like I was flying and I sighed out in relief, smiling down at my woman in pure happiness.

"Oh Kitten"

I lifted her up causing her to squeal and then laugh.

I spun us around causing her to smile then I brought her down just to attach my lips to her soft ones.

This kiss felt like everything all at once.

Happiness, passion, lust, the very reason to live.

When I pulled back she was smiling so wide I could see clear back to her molars.

Those two beauty marks on her chin were so adorable.

I couldn't help but to move down and kiss them, causing her to laugh.

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