One-shot 7

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Sasuke & Sakura
(Y/n) age: 16
Boruto age: 19

The sun was high in the sky shining down on the leaf village, the shops were busy people going in and out of the shop the children played with one another there was a small cafe that sold the best dango, a light-pink haired girl sat at one of the tables and enjoy a sweet treat, well enjoying her favorite treat a blonde boy with two whiskers on his face slowly snuck up behind her, "Don't even try Uzumaki."
(Y/n) warned the boy without looking behind her, "How did you know it was me cherry blossom."  Boruto laugh at his fail attempt to scare (Y/n)
" You always try to scare me." She explained the two young teens sat at the table enjoy the afternoon with each other.
The sky was a mixture of pink and orange, (Y/n) held onto Boruto hand as they walked towards her home the moment was enjoyable the peace of being in their presence no words can describe it
" So (N/n) when are we going to tell our parents?" Boruto asked pulling (Y/n) close to him and holding her while the walked " My dad is back now so maybe to—"(Y/n) was cut off by someone clearing their throat " Tell me what (Y/n)?" asked Sasuke walking close to them mostly keeping an eye on Boruto
"Uncle Sasuke, please I love (Y/n) with all my heart." Boruto explained to the Uchiha male but Sasuke wasn't having it he walked towards (Y/n) and teleport away leaving Boruto by himself. " You can't just do that papa."
(Y/n) shouted towards her father angry boiling in her "I can, and I will." Sasuke snapped back
The two argue back and forth like to predators fighting over prey "Will you two stop it." Sakura yelled at the two having enough of the two fighting the pair looked at the Bubblegum pink haired woman (Y/n) bowed her head towards her mother in apology Sasuke stared at his daughter
"Why him?" He asked breaking the silence in the room "Why him, Is that really a question dad. I know you see him as an idiot or something along those lines but he makes me happy, even when I'm having a bad day he's there for more. Boruto Uzumaki is like how mom is for you he keeps me grounded and never stops loving me no matter how many times I push him away." (Y/n) said leaving the room without another word, maybe he had some rethinking to do.

 𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒐 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz