Davis nodded as she wiped her face with a clean tissue she walked out as he held the door

"do you need anything else?" Davis asked she shook her head

"just the bathroom" he nodded looking around

"down the hall take a right and it will be the first door" Amara nodded thanking him

The hallways were dark and gloomy she didn't feel well walking in the dark grey hallway by herself

she reached the door opening it

Charlie pulled her down kissing her deeply pushing her against the wall

(let me stop playing with y'all lmfaooo ! open that cell let that boy out of jail he from mexico)

(he ain't do nothing but rob a gas station- release my nigga release my nigga)

Amara went to the bathroom after taking care of her business she walked back

Davis stood in front of the investigation room with his arms crossed and in his fitted suit

Amara started to look at his features and took them all in his tan skin in the black suit

Davis opened the door again as she walked in they both took a seat

"listen you seem like a smart girl-" Amara rolled her eyes

"i need to know" he continued

"i really don't know detective Davis i'm sorry" He nodded standing back up

"have a good day" she nodded standing up


Amara groan to the stomach cramps as she laid in bed she kept turning she looked at the time


she started to cry to the pain as it got worse Amara tried to stand up as her cramps felt like it was tightening


no response she walked her way to the door opening it slowly


Her father rushed out with a red robe on and black slippers

"what's wrong!!?" another cramp washed over Amara making her cry out

"please take me-"

Her father bolted into his bedroom throwing on clothes she tried to put on some proper clothes with the pain

Her father helped her to the car as she tried to ignore the pain as much as possible but it kept washing over her

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Why is her blood pressure so got damn high she-"

"It's most likely from stress it's not good for the baby-"


Amara opened her eyes slowly she looked around the room

"you almost gave me a got damn heart attack and when the hell-"

"yelling at her will only cause her more stress now she's fine I can-"

"the baby" Amara tried to sit up feeling the small bump

"the baby is fine" the doctor said quickly


"you need to take it easy that much stress isn't good for you or the baby you have to watch what you eat-"

"I know" Amara cut the doctor off her father quickly took a seat not looking at her

"when the hell were you going to tell me you were pregnant Amara?" he asked calmly

"I don't know i'm sorry" he nodded as the doctor checked her vitals again

"you're making sure you're taking your vitamins for the baby right?"

Amara frowned "vitamins for the baby?"

The doctor nodded Amara shook her head in response


The doctor and Amara went over what to eat and what she should consider doing for her blood pressure

"and the father is he-" Amara shook her head cutting the doctor off

"Amara answer the question" her father looked at her

"he is not and i'm not planning on having him in my child's life" she shrugged making her father sigh

"i'm sorry" she cleared her throat "would you like to know the gender of the baby?"


Are you scared for Amara?

How do you feel about the detective? shit i think he's cute 😌

I cant wait to get my hair done listen i've been feeling ugly so for long it's scary

What do you think the gender of the baby is?

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