Parental Bonds (Daisuga)

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Since Sugawara was already by the gym he decided that was the first place he would look. The chances that Kageyama were in there were higher the chances of looking anywhere else. He opened the side door and looked in seeing that the volleyball net was up and balls littered the floor on one side of the court. However, there was no one on the court and no sound of balls or shoes on the floor. Suga knew that he must've been here so he stepped into the gym and did a quick scan of the room including the upper rails to make sure he wasn't up there. He sniffed the air and Kageyama's scent was still fresh so he followed his nose to where the scent was the strongest, in front of the closed equipment room. Either Kageyama had heard him coming and didn't want to talk to him or he just wanted to be alone in the dark either seemed plausible. Sugawara let out a sigh before plopping himself down against the doors.

Suga's POV

What happened to the pack that was their team? The first years might've been uneasy at the beginning of the semester but they just seemed to be fitting in and now this happens. Nothing is making much sense, why would the unbeatable duo keep their secondary genders a secret. It's not something to be ashamed of, heck I wouldn't be with Daichi right now if our secondary genders were anything different.

Third POV

His train of thought stopped as he heard quiet whimpering from the equipment room. Suga started to release calming pheromones out of his scent glands out of instinct. He then got up and went to open the door only to realize it's locked from the inside. "Kageyama please open the door I'm here to help." He heard rustling on the other side before a faint clicking sound came from the door. Suga waited a few moments before opening it and going inside slowly. What he saw was not what he was expecting. He thought that with the balls scattered on the court that Kageyama would be in an aggressive mood and would've messed things up in the equipment room as well but he was wrong. Instead he walked into the tall omega curled up in the corner with his belongings surrounding him.

Suga stopped before entering what seemed to be Kageyama's hastily put together nest. It took him a second to really comprehend the fact that Kageyama was finally showing his omega side to someone and not just putting up a bold face for everyone to think he's an alpha. Suga couldn't help but notice the orange and white volleyball that Kageyama had given to Hinata in Kageyama's hands. "You want to talk about it?" Blue eyes lined with tears looked up at the older omega before he nodded and made room for Suga to sit beside him. The gray-haired setter accepted to invitation into the nest and sat with his legs crossed adjacent to the younger male. Kageyama had never been one to really open up to anyone and Suga watched as his mouth opened and then closed multiple times as if he didn't know where to start.

"You don't have to tell me what happened, I already know. I'm just here to make sure you're ok and for you to know that I care about you–in fact the whole team cares about you and the one who is definitely the most worried about you is Hinata..."

Looking at the volleyball in his hands Kageyama sighed. "I was just scared for a minute... I never thought that he would be the one thing I've always wanted to be, that I was always told I was going to be..." Suga places his hands gently over Kageyama's shaking ones that were clenching hard on the ball. He visibly relaxed at the touch, clearly stressed beyond what he was letting off.

"I can't say I really understand either of your reasoning to keep your second genders pushed to the side. It's not healthy for either of you, but I want you to know we aren't here to judge you based off of what you cannot control." Suga said in a motherly tone that had Kageyama feeling a bit guilty that he hadn't told his team about his second gender.

"You should talk to Hinata and work whatever this is out because the team will suffer if this goes unresolved and we can't have that, especially since the spring tournament is quickly approaching and I know both of you want to go to nationals more than anyone else on the team." Suga smiled as Kageyama started to pack away his belongings before he asked quietly, "Do you know where Hinata is I think I owe him an apology and a thank you..."

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