Blaise Zabini

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I was waiting with my parents in front of the Zabini manor, clutching my cloak for warmth and dreading as to the reason why we are here

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I was waiting with my parents in front of the Zabini manor, clutching my cloak for warmth and dreading as to the reason why we are here. Rain was thundering down but none of us got wet because we were surrounded by shielding charms! Well, we were wizards and there are advantages of that! I didn't want to come here in the first place. Why are we even here?

The door opened and revealed the infamous Mrs. Zabini, known for her seven different husbands. Her son Blaise stood behind her, dressed in a dark black tuxedo. Well everything he was wearing was black except for the white shirt he wore inside.

We were ushered inside quickly, and we exchanged a polite greeting. I took off my cloak and handed it to the tiny house elf eagerly waiting to receive them. They took us into the living room and ordered us to stand next to each other while the parents sat down on the luxurious furniture in the manor.

"Now you may be wondering, why we have called you here tonight?" spoke Mrs. Zabini folding her hands delicately on her lap.

"Yes ma'am!" I said looking over at my parents whose faces showed no emotions.

"As you know, in these past few years, these filthy little mudbloods have tainted the pureblood community. So, now it is our duty to regain the might of purebloods!"

My heart sank; I think I knew where this was going. I glanced over at Blaise and saw a similar expression written on his face too.

"And we decided, that there is no better way to do that other than the joining of two very upheld, pureblood families!" she said as she looked at me expectantly.

"But I am only 18 for god's sake!" I thought returning a very fake smile to Mrs. Zabini.

"The wedding will be in two weeks' time! And I fully expect you two to be prepared and know each other!" she said looking pleased at the reunion.

"How am I even supposed to do that! Know him in 2 weeks! I didn't want to do this! I didn't want to marry for money and blood; I wanted to marry for love!" I thought as my heart twisted sadly inside. I knew Blaise felt the same way by looking at the expression on his face. My parents, how could they do this to me!?! They didn't even ask about my opinion. They are just deciding my life as it is theirs to own.

"Now you to may go to the garden and talk! Mrs. Zabini and I need to discuss a business financial contract for Gringotts!" My mother commanded. I shot her a glare as she waved me off with a flick of her hand.

I glanced at Blaise and started walking in the same direction, behind him. My back was straight and my head was held high the way that I have been taught to since my childhood. You should despise muggle borns, be proud you are the best of the best, you should only associate with the top layer of people in this wizarding society because they are the people fit enough to stay with us, make friends with the famous people and only purebloods, you should definitely be sorted into Slytherin! This was all the stuff that was taught to me from my childhood and my head literally burst off with the pureblood mania my parents put onto me.

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