Cedric Diggory

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(Y/n) POV

"Daaad!! How much longer till we get there again!?" I asked for like the 10th time this minute

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"Daaad!! How much longer till we get there again!?" I asked for like the 10th time this minute. 

"We're nearly there, sweetheart. Now be patient and shut up, will you?" my dad replied, getting fed up with me. Dad and I were going to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys and The Diggorys. I was really excited to see the Weasleys, considering the twins were my best friends but as for the Diggorys... You could say I wasn't really fond of seeing Pretty Boy Diggory, who was most commonly known as the school heartthrob. Oh well, Joy! *note the sarcasm*

Soon, like my dad said, I could see both the Weasleys and the Diggorys engaged in a conversation. Oh, I can see Harry and Hermione too. Ron must have invited them, obviously. As I came closer, the twins immediately noticed me and ran over, giving me a bone crashing hug. I accepted the hug gladly and smiled at them. My smile soon faded when I saw Diggory giving me a charming gin. I scoffed at him and turned to the twins and said, "How was your summer?"

"It was fantastic," George said and both of them started to tell me about the prank they did to Harry's muggle cousin this morning.

 I laughed at their prank and went to my dad when he motioned me over. "(y/n), this is Amos Diggory. Amos, this is my daughter, (y/n)," he said as I shook my hand with Mr. Diggory's and said, "Pleased to meet you, sir."

"Pleased to meet you too, (y/n). This is my boy, Cedric," he said. "Hey (y/n)," Cedric said.

"Hi Cedric," I said and smiled fakely at him. Yes, he might be attractive but honestly, I don't see why nearly every girl at Hogwarts needs to fall head over heels for him. I quickly excused myself from him and came back to the Weasley twins, not wanting to spend any second more with him. 

"(Y/n), Diggory's been staring at you for a long time now," George said as Fred continued saying, "Ooh~ Looks like Diggory's got a crush!" I rolled my eyes at them but nevertheless turned around to see Diggory staring at me. He smiled and my cheeks deceived me by turning a pink shade.

Our parents wanted to set off quickly so, they led us to the portkey. I groaned knowing I'd just land on my back like always. Sure enough, I did land on my back, so I let out a groan. Fortunately for me, a hand helped me up and I looked at the person, unfortunately to stare into his grey eyes. I just cleared my throat, mumbled a thanks to him and went next to Harry. Harry had become a brother to me, as we both had lost a parent or both. I had lost my mother when I was a year old and just like Harry's parents, my mother was murdered by Voldemort (no, I'm not scared of saying his name) as she was part of the Order. "So... Harry, how have you been?"

"I've been doing great! You should have seen Dudley when he ate that candy Fred and George invented," He said grinning.

"Oh, how I wish I did!" I said back to him. We kept talking till we had reached the 'Weezly' tent as it had said and bid our goodbyes. Dad and I had a different tent, and although the walk wasn't as long as the one to the portkey, it was hard to search as there was more than millions of people. We eventually found our tents and the first thing I did was jump into the bed and fall into a long dreamless sleep. 

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