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Yibo looks at the results it showed two lines (positive)

"Is this for real?"

"How can this be fake"

"Zhan Zhan I love you" Yibo was really happy he started to laugh and hugs Xiaozhan tightly

"Stop it You're going to hurt the baby"

"Now we have three children, I'm so happy"

"Yea." Xiaozhan smiles at Yibo

"Zhan Zhan how many children do you think we should have"

"This is the last one, It's really tiring to be taking a care of so many kids "

Yibo kisses Xiaozhan on the forehead and says "okay this will be the last one"

Yibo walks Xiaozhan into the bedroom and lays in bed with him

"Zhan Zhan do you ever regret being in a relationship with me"

"No why?"

"I'm a bad husband and father, I didn't even protect my loved ones"

"It's not your fault, me and the kids are still here with you, don't worry I will never leave you"

"Thank you"

"Zhan Zhan I was also thinking about having our marriage ceremony to be by the end of this month, what do you think"

"All up to you"

Yibo and Xiaozhan cuddled together and fell asleep

On the other hand Xing was planning something big she wanted everyone who was in her way to die since her husband is dead she has total control over the company and his people, she called Yibo and said

"Yibo if you don't come to me then I will go find your family"

"What do you want now?"

"You can't protect your little wife all the time, he is going to be dead and he is going to die in my hands "

"I will be there." Yibo hangs up the phone

"Yibo where you going"

"Zhan Zhan I need to go kill her or this will never end"

"Ok be careful tho me and the kids will be waiting for you"

Yibo smiled and kiss Xiaozhan on the forehead and went out through the door.

"You're finally here"

"I don't have time to chat with you" Yibo pulls out his gun and pointed it at xing

"Are you sure you want to kill me"

Xing took off her coat and there were bombs on her self if Yibo pulled that trigger than her would of died with her.

"Are you crazy?"

"Why don't you pull the trigger!? Shoot it..... shoot it at me..."

Yibo was hesitant his Xiaozhan is still waiting for him at home he can't risk it  he had to think of  a plan and quick

"Did you really think I came here by myself?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I also called the cops and they will be here soon"

"Yea go ahead and lie to me"

"See for your self"

Xing turned around to look out the window and boom, she got shot right on the head with her eyes wide open she fell to the floor.

"Bring some people over and get rid of her."

"Yes boss"

To be continued...............
Thank you guys for waiting

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