Plan To Escape

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xiaozhan saw that the room lights were off and yibo was on the bed sleeping, but in reality yibo heard xiaozhan coming into the room and started to fake sleep. xiaozhan walked over to the bed and leaned down on the side of the bed and stared at yibo

Xiaozhan: "How can you look so handsome but have a big temper?"

xiaozhan: "When I saw you for the first time today, I thought to myself that you would be a good husband but, I've noticed that you have a big temper so I am kind of scared that what if one day you will get tired of me and abandon me. "

Yibo still has his eye shut and he felt a sudden sadness and opened his eyes.

Yibo: "I will never abandon you"

xiaozhan: "I..... I thought you was asleep "

yibo: "I was until a little bunny came into my room ad started to rant to me"

Xiaozhan: " heard everything"

yibo: "every single word"

xiaozhan: "I....I'm sorry I didn't mean to say those things"

xiaozhan got up quickly from the floor and headed towards the door, just when he was about to go out the door yibo came up behind him and closed the door. Now xiaozhan was staring at a closed door and yibo was behind him holding himslef with one hand on the door.

Yibo: "where are you going?"

xiaozhan: "I'm going back to my room"

Yibo: "stay with me" when yibo said that he leaned into the back of xiaozhan's neck and blowed a air at his neck. This cause xiaozhan to blush very hard and tremble a bit.

xiaozhan: "o...ok" xiaozhan was being brainwashed by yibo form that blow on the neck.

Yibo picked up xiaozhan bridal style and headed towrds the bed and put him on the bed, then he got into the bed himslef and put the blanket over them.

yibo: "are you scared of me?"

xiaozhan: ""

yibo: "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you I didn't know that my actions would scare you "

Xiaozhan: "its ok"

Yibo: "I'm also sorry that we are locked in this house"

Xiaozhan: "can't we just go through the windows"

Yibo: "we could try tomorrow, but the windows from here to the ground is pretty tall"

Xiaozhan closed his eyes and pretended to sleep because he didn't know how to continue the conversation with yibo. Yibo was waiting for a response but he didn't get one so he turn around to see xiaozhan asleep he came closer to xiaozhan in the bed and held him by the waist and puled him into closer into his arms. xiozhan was really surprised he was stiff and didn't move a bit, ad just like that they slept for the whole entire night.

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