Living together

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yibo's parents got up and went to greet xiaozhan, but all yibo did was stare at xiaozhan and imagining things!!!
Author: (cough, cough, I think you guys know what he is imagining )

Yibo's Mother: "yibo what are you doing hurry and come and here"

Yibo: "h...hi, Im yibo" he was stuttering to the point where he didn't know what he was doing anymore.

Xiaozhan: "HI, im xiaozhan" xiaozhan gave the brightest smile to yibo, which cause yibo to fall for him even more.

Yibo's Mother: "its good to see the kids getting along "

Yibo's Mother: "xiaozhan you could move into our house starting today, go pack your things and we will be leaving soon."

Xiaozhan: "I will be done soon" xiaozhan went to his room and started to pack. on the other hand yibo was still in his little bubble of thoughts

few moments later xiaozhan came out of his room with his luggage.

Xiaozhan: "I'm ready to go."

Yibo: "here let me help you" yibo went up to xiaozhan and took over his luggage, xiaozhan once again gave his bright smile to yibo.

Xiaozhan: "mom don't worry about me I will come visit you often."

Xiaozhan's Mother: "take care of yourself " xiaozhan nodded and headed out the door with yibo and his parents.

When they got to yibo's car xiaozhan went into the car first and then yibo came in after, they were sitting right next to each other. After a while they got to yibo's mansion, they came out of the car and walked into the mansion just when they stepped into the mansion the doors closed right behind them then there was a sound of a lock.

Yibo: "mother what are you doing"

Yibo's Mother: "son we want you to be having a better relationship with your little wife, so we locking you two up and we going on a vacation, also I told all the butlers and maids to take a break too so there is no here to do thugs for you, you have to do it yourself."

Yibo: "mother!!!" yibo sounded really mad and kind of growled

Yibo's Mother: "take good care of xioazhan my son see ya in a month"

yibo kicked the door and punched it, this made xiaozhan really scared of him so for the whole entire day xiaozhan tried to keep distance away from yibo.


It was night time and it was time to go to sleep yibo got up from his chair and walked out of his office and when he opened the door of his bedroom he saw the bed empty.

Yibo: "xiaozhan?"

yibo walked out of the room and called to xioazhan but there was no response he started to get worried and went into every single room there was and finally he found a room where lights were on and he heard the showers on he was just about to sit on the bed and wait for xiaozhan but then xiaozhan came out of the bathroom naked because he forgot his bathrobe.

Xiaozhan: "what are you doing here?!" xiaozhan was scared and surprised at the same time he quickly grabbed the bathrobe and put it on. On the other hand yibo was happy that he found his wife and he VERY much liked what he has seen of xiaozhan.

Yibo: "I went into the bedroom and you wasn't there"

Xiaozhan: "oh..... I thought you wanted some alone time and I don't feel comfortable sleeping with another person"

Yibo: "oh ok, then why did you pick a room that is all the way down the hall so far away from mine."

Xiaozhan: "oh.....uhhh.....ummm its was at random I didn't know that it was that far away from yours."

Yibo: "aren't you going to come sleep with me, we are husband and wife after all"

Xiaozhan: ""

Yibo: "forget it if you don't like me I could just tell my parents to stop this marriage. I won't force you."

Xiaozhan: "I......."

yibo didn't listen to xiaozhan and he went outside the room and into his bedroom he tried to go to sleep but he couldn't all he could think of is how xiaozhan rejected him and how xiaozhan doesn't like him.

On the other side xiaozhan too can not go to sleep he kept on thinking about what yibo said he doesn't know if he likes yibo or not. He thought for along time and finally decided to go clear things up with yibo. He walked all the way to yibo room and opend the door.

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