Part 2: The meet

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I was at school when Jungkook again pushed on floor. But Blackpink saw it.

Lisa: How dare you treat our friend like this when she has treated you so nicely.
Rose: Exactly. I also can't believe that this would be how I first met you. You're bullying my best friend.
Jisoo: If you bully her you have to go through us first.
Jennie: Yeah.

Then he whispered in my ear.

Jungkook: Your lucky your friends are here but I will see you later to continue what we are doing.

Then he left and Blackpink rushed over to me and hugged me.

Jennie: Are you ok? Is he the one that hurt you yesterday?
Rose: He honestly seems like a nice guy but not anymore.
Y/n: I am fine Jennie and yes he is the one who hurt me yesterday but you guys should know that I have been hurt worst than this so I am fine.
Jisoo: You're right but still.
Y/n: Let's just go to class.

~~~~~~~~~Jungkook's POV~~~~~~~~~~

Jin: Jungkook why did you hurt/ bully Y/n? You know she is my friend.
Jungkook: I know. And I can do whatever I want.
Jin: No you can't and do you even know Y/n's story. She has been through a lot. Also is dealing with some stuff and you are adding to it all.
Jungkook: I don't know her story and I don't care to know.

I walked to class not caring about anything and suddenly I tripped on someone so i said. " Hey watch where you're going!" Then i walked away.

*Time Skip after school at Jin's dorm*

Jungkook: Jin I am here.
I said as I was opening the door to his dorm room since it was unlocked. I saw the rest of my friends there so I walked in. I saw Y/n on the top bunk and on her phone.

Jungkook: What is she doing here?
Y/n: I am his roommate.
Jungkook: Did I ask you? No. I was asking Jin so mind your own business.
Y/n: It's technically my business since you are talking about me.
Jungkook: It isn't so scram.
Jin: Hey stop fight and she is staying right where she is.
Jungkook: Fine.
Jin: Anyways I have a reason why I have invited you all specifically Namjoon and Yoongi.
Jimin: What about the rest of us why did you invite us.
Jin: Because if I only invited those two you would bug me about keeping a secret from you guys.
Jimin: True. I mean we are suppose to tell each other everything since we are best friends.
Jin: Ok well somehow Y/n got a boyfriend.
Yoongi: What why didn't you tell us Y/n?
Y/n: I haven't seen you guys in a while and our relationship only started like a month ago.
Namjoon: We literally met yesterday why didn't you tell me?
Y/n: I don't know.
Jin: Well anyways who is the lucky guy?
Y/n: Vernon.
Jungkook: No you are lying he would never ever like and especially date someone like you.
Y/n: Ask him.
Jungkook: I will.
Jin: Ok so how have you all been?

* After a hour of talking we all left *

How does Y/n have a boyfriend? And it's Vernon I don't think he would like nor date someone like her. Well I can stop by and ask him. Yes... I will do that.

I walked to Vernon's dorm and knocked on his door.

Vernon: Who is it?
Jungkook: It's me Jungkook
Vernon: Oh Jungkook come in.

He opened the door and I walked in.

Vernon: What brings you here?
Jungkook: Well ummm is Y/n really your girlfriend and do you like her?
Vernon: Of course I like her if I didn't she wouldn't be my girlfriend. Right?
Jungkook: I guess you're right well I just wanted to know that so bye.
Vernon: Ok bye.

I walked away from there. I just couldn't believe that he is her boyfriend. Why? Well I should just ignore it it's not my problem if he cheats on her. Well he might not. But I've seen it before...

~~~~~~~~~~~Y/n POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They finally left. Jungkook was really suspicious of my relationship with Vernon well it is real and he does like me.

Y/n: Hey Jin should I get another job that pays better?
Jin: Yes but you have to quit the other one if you want another.
Y/n: But then I won't have enough money.
Jin: I bet there are other jobs that probably pay 3x better than your job right now.
Y/n: Fine. I will quit the other job to get another. But I need to find one first.
Jin: Ok let me help you.
Y/n: Ok thanks!

* After a few minutes I found a job *

Y/n: I found a perfect job.
Jin: What is it?
Y/n: A babysitter.
Jin: It seems like a good job. How long are you gonna work there?
Y/n: It says only 1 month and a week.
Jin: When do you start?
Y/n: Summer break and I have to move in there for a month and 1 week.
Jin: I am going to be fine be myself.
Y/n: Ok I am going to fill the form.
Jin: Ok well hurry because we need to go to sleep.
Y/n: Ok I am done let's go to sleep.

* In the morning *

Y/n: Ok ok geez I'm awake.
Jin: Don't you need an interview?
Y/n: Oh yeah what time is it?
Jin: 6:50
Y/n: Oh no i am going to be late i only have 40 minutes to get ready but i need to get there 15-10 minutes early. So i only have like 20 minutes to get ready.
Jin: Then go and get ready don't just lay there.
Y/n: Ya you're right.

* 15 minutes later you are ready *

Y/n: Jin can you drive me there?
Jin: Yeah ure. Just go wait in the car.
Y/n: Ok hurry

This is the end of another part. Part 3 will be uploaded soon. I also might not be able to upload as much as i would like because i have summer school. And i am still in school. Sorry if i made Jungkook a little too mean. I just thought that i would make the story more interesting. So goodbye for now and thanks for reading.

My Bully; J.Jk Where stories live. Discover now