new impressions-kabir

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His eyes quickly adjusted to the stream of light invading his otherwise dim apartment but made no move to get up from seat on the sofa. He saw her enter the apartment leaving the door wide open, light from the hallway streamed in creating a halo around her curly hair, a few pieces escaping the constrictive bun at her neck.

 Shock at the neighbour girls arrival was quickly replaced by annoyance by her intrusion. 

"Get out" he bit out taking another swig of the drink and returning his focus to the tv. 

Girls like this, all prissy in their cute dresses, scared very easily. As soon as they were confronted with the stench and menace of a man like him they cowered back into their protective little shells, waiting for their keeper to save them. 

"Nice place you got here" she said as she approached him taking in her surroundings. Shanthi had come in today and did a lot of cleaning but there was a reason she was paid so handsomely. It was very easy for him to make a mess and had already started a small one with the food and discarded bottles laying around. 

He was finally forced to acknowledge her presence when she stopped in front of the tv and from the smirk on her face he could tell she knew my annoyance had already reached its peak. 

"You know for someone who's supposed to be a well established neurosurgeon you make some stupid decisions" she said as she threw the spare key I kept under the doormat at me. He made no move to catch it so it hit him in the chest and landed in my lap.  "No wonder everyone keeps their distance from you, your clearly not capable of doing much for yourself". 

He was up in an instant and knew the swift movement surprised her. Grabbing her by upper arm he dragged her towards the door. She hadn't said anything he cared to analyze but this was his space and it was going to remain that way. This girl had too much gall coming in here and the limpness of her body as he dragged her towards the door showed me she clearly hadn't bargained on being confronted as well. 

Just as we neared the door, out of nowhere she kicked the back of his kneecaps and pulled her entire body weight back causing his body to veer back. Still in control, she grabbed his forearm as he fell back causing him to drop his grip on her arm and preventing him from crashing onto the floor. Shocked, he turned from facing the floor to look up into her face, the light from the hallway still a halo around her hair and entire body, and saw her smirk before she released him and let him fall with a thud onto the floor.  

"Look here you wanna be emo-tough boy, I saw enough of your type as a teenager and I guess you are what happens when sad little rich boys don't grow up" 

He began get up off his back when her foot landed on his chest and forced him to stay down. She was strong but she must've known he was stronger given his weight and height. 

"LITTLE BITCH" he growled at her as he grabbed the foot on his chest with one hand and pulled it down, releasing in time to use both of my hands grab both her bare shoulders as she fell on top of him. Her curly hair fell like a curtain around us and closed us off from the rest of the world. Not wanting to give her time to regain control,  he spun them around so it was she who had her back  on the floor and held her down by keeping her body between his legs. 

He let go of her shoulders and brought both her arms above her head, holding them down with one hand while the other fisted her bun, forcing her to look up his face now looming above hers. The wild eyes were ablaze in darkness of the apartment and he felt her writhing beneath him, trying to get out of the hold. She still hadn't asked to be let go, she seemed to think she could still get out of this on top.

He fisted her hair harder and drew satisfaction from the tiny gasp of pain she let out. His hand trailed its way down her neck pausing at the nape to smooth her collarbone with his thumb.

She was clearly uncomfortable but still no call for mercy. She continued to squirm beneath him  trying to come out of the hold but it was of no use, all it did  was get me hard. 

He felt her freeze beneath me and smiled like a jackal knowing she could feel my hardness on her torso. He pressed further into her body enjoying the shock that overtook her features, the sounds of the actress on tv coming adding to our scene. 

Her eyes were still wild but they were a little dilated now. Was it her eyes getting accustomed to the dark or was there a sick part of her that was enjoying this interaction as well?

It'd only been a week since he got some but he wouldn't deny himself this kind of pleasure if she were to offer it. Sure it'd get messy considering she lived across the hall and lovesick neighbours were an unnecessary nuisance. But those were problems for later. 

He brought his face down to her ear and purposefully let his beard scratch the soft skin of her cheek. 

"I wouldn't have pegged you for a girl who likes it rough but if you ask nicely I'd be happy to make all this worth your while. After all you did just intrude on my personal time" he said referring to the tv that was still playing. 

That seemed to snap her out of her trance and he felt her buck her hips beneath, throwing him off balance and her mouth came up to bite at him catching the skin beneath his beard. He growled, loosening the grip on her hands pinned above her head and she used that momentum to push my body weight over her head and escaped from my hold as he landed flat on the floor.

He felt the coolness of the floor on his cheek as she kept him down with her body weight on his back and restricted my arms behind his back with both of hers. He didn't need to look into the mirror in front them to know what they looked like. He could feel it. 

Her knees were shoved into my shoulders making it painful to move the arms still in her grip. He could feel her straddling his back to keep him down;the skirt of her dress flared out and the thin fabric of her underwear was the only barrier between my work shirt and the heat coming from her core. She was aroused, or was he just hoping she was aroused. 

It was hot and he would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying it. He wanted to feel her continuing to move on top of me and see how much fight she really had to give. It would be a fun thing to watch. To see her slowly lose control and beg for mercy. She hadn't done it yet and he knew she wouldn't today. 

She came down a growled into my ear. "I'm only going to warn you once, if you ever speak to my Daada that way ever again you won't live to regret it" .He started to smirk but she interrupted it by grabbing my chin with her left hand and shoving her knee into my left armpit. It was painful but she clearly didn't care whether or not he was hurt. She held him with such force that he was sure there would be bruising tomorrow.

"Don't worry you can go back to trying to jack yourself off till you feel something and crying yourself to sleep while listening to Arijit Singh on repeat once I leave" she said and continued hurriedly  " I don't care what your problem is with the world or what is that you can't get over. I don't care if you've had a bad day at work or are suffering from little dick syndrome. You will stay away from us and if for some reason you find you have to speak to either of us you will do it politely and considerately. There will be no second warning, capisce". 

And with that he felt her body weight come off and knew that a little part of him wanted her to stay on top of him. He flipped onto his back and came up on his forearms to watch her   leave his apartment. 

Wanting the last word he called out just as she made her way out the door. 

"Message received... Pri" he said smirking as turned back to face him in annoyance

"My friends call me can call me Priyanka" and with that she shut the door and he was left alone in the dark. Again.

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