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A lion growing weary of hunting without catching a meal, went off to the pasture. On  seeing an antelope approach, he began to eat  the grass with the intent of fooling the antelope.

The antelope was surprised and curious at this, yet he was still cautious. Standing a distance off, he called out to the lion:  "Since the time of my Fathers lions have never eaten grass no matter the economy of the jungle. What makes you do so now?"

Lion replied, "Oh brother! I have lost my taste for meat and I have repented from murdering the innocent. Now I eat grass like everybody does.   Come brother let us graze together, for didn't the Bible say at one place  that a day shall come when the lion shall eat grass,  just like  antelopes do now?"

Now, the intention of the lion was of course to get the antelope closer and devour it.

The antelope replied,
"The Bible said so, but those times surely  haven't come. I shall leave you to your pasture, for as you're newly repented I shall not lure you into temptation with my presence."

Lion persisted,  "No brother I have changed incredibly. I shall do you no harm."

The antelope wasn't fooled,  "If lions can change instantly to herbivores, who knows I might suddenly develop taste for flesh and devour you my dear brother. So let me leave before I'm a danger to you. Surely, you don't want to put your  dear brother into temptation."

On saying that, the antelope fled from the lion, having saved its life by it wits.

Moral Lessons:  Tricksters are often trapped by their schemes. The wise would see through them.

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