Everything's gonna be fine!

7 3 0

You felt like someone wrapped you tightly. You looked shockingly.

" Mr. Ki..M!!! "

" Are you okay, My daughter? "

He said while checking on you that whether you are okay.

" Huh? Ye.... yeah I'm okay! But are you okay? "

" Yes I'm fine too. "

You looked shockingly. He is really fine. Then who got shoot?

" Soo......hyunnnnn..... "

The gun which was Mrs. Kim held, it was fallen down. Then she kneeled down slowly.

At the same time Mr. Cheon was appeared. Then You both realised what really happened at that time.

" Jieunnnnnnn "

Mr. Kim ran toward to Mrs. Kim.

" Miss Kim! You Okay??? "

You looked confusingly at Mr. Cheon who came toward you and then you nodded. Later you stared shockingly at Mrs. Kim who is laying on Mr. Kim's lap.

" I'm sorry Mr. Kim, I had to shot her "

Mr. Cheon said while putting his gun into the holder and went to the outside.

" MOM???? "

Then Tae and Jimin were appeared.

" Mom!!! Mom!!! "

Tae ran toward Mrs. Kim and Jimin shifted his gaze confusingly to you from Mrs. Kim. Then he came to you and wrapped you tightly.

" I'm really sorry Y/N! I'm really sorry! I should had protect you, but I failed. If something happened to you, I'll never forgive me. I'll die with that pain. Please forgive me Y/N! I failed to protect you! "

Jimin cried a lot.

But you are still staring with the shock at Mrs. Kim who trying to talk hardly. So you didn't mind what Jimin said. Actually you even forgot that Jimin is with you. You suffer with the shock and pain that much because of what happened here.

" Ta...eh.....yu....ng..... My...... So...nnnnn "

" Mom don't talk too much please.... I'll save you Mom I'll save you..... "

Then instantly he called to an Ambulance.

You was still staying like frozen. You can't believe yet anything. You felt guilty about everything. You want to cry but you hid your tears hardly.

" What have I done??? Is this happened because of my revenge??? "

You thought while staring at everyone who suffering with the pain. Not only Mrs. Kim but also your father Mr. Kim and your brother Tae suffer with this.

" So....oh...yunnnnn "

" Jieun please don't talk! The Ambulance will be here any minute... "

" Sssoohhhhhyunnnnn Plea....se..... Fffforgive...... Me......!!! "

" Jieun...... "

" Mr. Kim, The Ambulance has arrived "

Mr. Cheon came with two male attendants who brought mobile bed.

They put Mrs. Kim on the mobile bed.

Both you and Jimin watched them take the mobile bed with Mrs. Kim.

Mr. Cheon stopped and then looked at you, later he talked to Jimin.

" Mr. Park, please take her to the outside "

Oh My Heart, Catch My BreatheWhere stories live. Discover now