Find the Truth

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Time Passed.

You were changing your clothes after bath.

" Mr. Cheon will come at 6pm. So yo.............. "

Suddenly Jimin came to the room without knocking. You were with your undergarments only.


You instantly took your towel which was on the bed and covered your body.

" OH SORRY!!! "

But he is still looking at you scarily.

But he is still looking at you scarily

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" HEY!!! GO AWAY!!! "

" Huh??? Ah! Sorry!!! "

Then he went to the outside while closing door.

" Oh god this man!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT!!! I was forgot to lock the door. Damn It!!! "

Time Passed.

After that incidence, you didn't look at him properly.

You were watching TV in the living room. But your mind watched another thing. You always imagined that how your mom died, how your house burned. You couldn't forget all those. Actually you didn't want to forget all those.

" Tring.... " " Tring...... "

Jimin came and opened the door.

" Hello Mr. Cheon! Come inside. "

" Hello! Thank you! "

Mr. Cheon came inside. I stood up and bowed him politely.

" Hello Miss Kim Y/N! How are you? "

" Hello Mr. Cheon! I'm good "

Actually you didn't fine. But you said it with fake smile.

" Thanks for coming and Sit down here Mr. Cheon! "

You said while showing to his a seat.

" Thank you! "

Mr. Cheon sat down on the seat.

" Okay tell me Miss. Kim, What do you want to know? Mr. Park said me that you want to talk with me about your mother's death. "

" Yeah Mr. Cheon! I'll tell you straightly. "

And you sat on the sofa.

" My mom died not because of suicide. It's a murder! I feel it and I'm sure about it. "

" Okay Miss. Kim! Do you have any clues to say that your mother's death is not a suicide but murder? Do you suspect anyone for that? "

" I don't have any clues for that but.......... I suspect someone "

" Who is that Miss. Kim? "

You looked at Jimin who bringing a cup of tea to Mr. Cheon.

" Excuse me! Did I disturb both of you? "

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