Episode 11: Family and Mistakes PART 3

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Asgore charged Darko, he dodged the charge but Asgore punched Darko in his belly, breaking his bones.

Darko coughed blood: "Cough!... how's he so powerfull now?! He could nearly match me before, now i'm the one that's outmatched!"

Darko jumped away, but Asgore stabs him with his trident.

Asgore: "You weren't that fast, after all!"

Darko:"Cocky bast..."

Asgore throw him away, and charged a magical attack.

Asgore: "I will finish this now!"

The tornado hits Darko, disappearing in the smoke, however... he comes out, with his eyes purple again...

Asgore:"Damn It! You're a lucky bastard!"

Darko smiled: "Not exactly... i knew the time that i needed for letting my powers coming back... i'm just impressed how strong you've become."

Darko: "But what you have now it's not true power, you just gained strength from something..."

Asgore: "I don't care about your stupid speeches about power, i'll do anything in my power to kill you!"

Darko: "Tsk... the "Fallen King" that falls from his sovereign figure for revenge, monsters are not that differents from humans, after all..."

Asgore: "Stop talking and fight!"

Darko: "As you wish!"

Darko and Asgore start fighting again, however... it didn't take long to the professor to realize that Asgore was having the upper hand.

Asgore attacks Darko, but he blocked the trident with his haldberd.

Darko: "(His attacks are heavy, if I keep blocking, this won't turn good...)"

Darko jumped away, and took away his weapon, the he charged Asgore again...

Aftera few minutes...

Asgore: "(I see now... how he defeated Undyne... when he starts fighting with his martials moves, his strength grows endlessly, keeping to adapt to my attacks )"

Asgore: "I have to finish this now!"

The King punched Darko, and even if he blocked the punch, he was pushed back.

Asgore: "This is for Asriel, for Chara, and most importantly..."


Asgore throw a giant flame tornado to Darko, he didn't run away, he smiled and tried to block the attack.

Asgore: "Is he dead!?"

Darko was disappeared, Asgore smiled, with a sad face...

Darko: "That wasn't half bad..."

Asgore was shocked, he looked behind, the professor was standing on his feet, his eyes now were more purple than before.

Darko: "I needed to use 75% of my powers to block it, it's really impressive... even if that wasn't enough..."

Asgore tried to attack Darko again, however, he instantly felt bad, his soul was cracking...

Darko was curios: "What is this?! Some kind of overload... interesting... it appears that vial you used is not that perfect..."

Asgore: "Even if i die, you won't be able to win... Gaster and the others still have three vials of Souls Essence, you're just delaying your defeat!"

Darko: "Oh really? It's a good thing that... i'm not even close to my full potential!"

Darko: "Well... i hope they won't be that stupid like you, overreacting you soul..."

Darko stabbed Asgore, and before taking his soul: "Dont' worry... your sons will suffer much less than you..."

The professor looked the stars: it was already night...

Darko: "I'll leave his armor here, if there are more of those vials, i want to see what happens when some "God of Hyperdeath" use one of those, and this should motivate him enough..."

Before teleporting home, he felt something, and with his soul he sensed Gaster's pain, he was crying somewhere...

Darko smiled: "Let's see if i can comfort him, as a good colleague..."

Glitchtale: Age of Pain - OLD TIMESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora