Episode 12: The Bad Time Trio PART 1

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On the top of the highest mountain Gaster was in tears, crying and mourning for Jessica's death.
And when he was ready to teleport himself away from there....

Darko: "Awww, and i thought that you would've mourn after everything would be over."

Gaster recognized that voice, he looked around him, no one was there.

Darko: "You know what i've learned over the years? No matter how much you can torture someone, the hardest pain...."

Darko: "...is always the emotion of losing someone that you care about."

Gaster screamed in rage: "WHERE ARE YOU?! COME OUT!"

Darko came out from the void in front of the mountain, his feet were covered with Pain Energy and he was flying over the abyss under him.

Darko: "I know, you're probably wondering, how are you flying? Well my friend, Pain energy is very malleable."

Gaster said: "Actually I'm wondering how I should kill you!"

Darko laughed:"Ahahahah so cute. Listen to me carefully Gaster..."

Darko:"Why are you all fighting for those who i've killed? After all, I'll bring them back soon?"

Gaster was confused: "What do you mean by that? I thought you wanted to rule the timeline?"
Darko: "Right, but i don't want to erase you all or your memories, i just want to explore a bit, and i need you under my control, just like i did with myself."

Gaster: "So what do you want? To Reset every time like Frisk did?"

Darko: "Not exactly. I will bring you back again, and again, and again only to help me grow stronger."

Gaster: "You want to use us as training puppets, why?"

Darko: "I want to explore everything there is behind this timeline, but there might be things that are far stronger than me, and i need time to get stronger, time that if i go outside right now i won't have."

Gaster: "Outside? You can go away from this timeline?"

Darko: "I could have gone outside since Frisk destroyed the Reset Button, but I'm not ready to face everything I'll meet."

Gaster: "I honestly don't know why i'm listening to you!"

Darko: "That's what i wanted to hear, in fact, I wanted to ask you..."

Darko: "Do you really think you'll kill me after i've trained for so long? i've defeated and studied your friend, i'm ready for everything you throw at me."

Gaster remained silent, but his vengeance was stronger than his mind in that moment.

Gaster attacked Darko with Gaster Blasters, pushing him in the abyss: "Just die already!"

Darko flew away dodging bones and gaster blasters, however they soon disappeared.

Gaster used Duality, and tried to grab Darko with a Hand.

Darko: "This time I'm ready Doctor!"

Darko destroyed a hand with a punch and tried to attack Gaster, but the other hand smashed him on the ground again and again, but...

Gaster: "He disappeared...Ugh!"

Gaster was hit by a beam from Darko's finger, which was behind him.

Darko: "Strike 1, I could've killed you this time."

Gaster: "You should have!"

Gaster used his hands and trapped Darko with blue strings and charged a Blaster, but Darko teleported himself away.

Gaster: "Bastard!"

Darko quickly slashed Gaster with his halberd, and then tried to stab him.

Darko: "Strike 2, if you can't keep up with my speed, how do you expect to win?"

Gaster pushed him away, and tried using Polychromatic, but he couldn't unleash it.

Darko: "What's the matter? i'll wait till 3..."

Gaster was thinking about a strategy, then he had an idea.

Darko: "1...2..."

Gaster: "3!"

Gaster tried to punch Darko several times, Darko was surprised that he was fighting melee.

Darko then stabbed his legs, and Gaster fell on the ground.

Darko: "Nice try trying to fight like that, but this is Strike 3."

Gaster: "For you!"

Gaster closed his punch, and a giant Blaster shot Darko, however, he came out from the smoke almost undamaged.
His eyes were full purple, Darko finally used his full power.

Darko: "Not bad at all, i was not expecting that, but i was expecting to not expect something, so i got prepared."

Gaster was badly injured: "Damn you!"

Darko put his halberd on Gaster's face: "You're amazing G, you forced me to use my 100%, now......Any last word?"

Gaster though one last time about Jessica... Jessica Grey...

Gaster: "Say hi to hell from me!"

Gaster stabbed Darko with purple blades and with his last strength he stood up.

Gaster inspired and screamed at the air, his eyes became purple and red.

In that moment Sans and Papyrus felt strange.

Papyrus: "What's going on?"

Sans: "I don't know br...."

Papyrus: "Sans?"

Sans: "Gaster!"

Gaster used Polychromatic and grabbed Darko, who was smiling, but the doctor didn't care.

Darko: "So that's your true power, amazi..."

Darko was ripped in half and pulverized by gaster blasters, but the gaster coughed blood and layed on the ground.

Sans and Papyrus came from nowhere and aided Gaster.

Papyrus: "Gaster, you're ok?"

Gaster: "What are you doing here?"
Sans: "We felt that you were in trouble, where is Darko?"

Gaster: "He's dea...no..."

Sans: "What do you mean?"

Gaster: "IT CAN'T BE!"

Papyrus: "Sans look!"

Darko's soul was floating in front of them, and then... Darko regenerates from only his soul, leaving the three skeletons shocked.

Darko: "Well well, what a family reunion."

Sans: "Take care of gaster paps, i'll handle him!"

Gaster: "Are you crazy, you can't beat him Sans!"

Papyrus: "I won't' leave you behind Sans!"

Darko teleported Gaster and Papyrus away snapping his finger.

Darko: "Let them look Sans, it won't take long anyway"

Sans: "I would be surprised if you land a single hit on me!"

Darko:"Oh you'll be surprised...."

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