Episode 2: The Final Battle PART 2

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Asriel: "Chara!!! Quick!!! Get up!!!"

When Chara open her eyes, she saw Asriel who held out his hand, and on his right Betty, stunned at the ground: Asriel hit her with his swords behind her neck.

Chara gets up with the help of his best friends, but Asriel was desperate.

Asriel: "It's useless Chara! There's no attack powerful enough to damaged her body!"

Sans: "Chara!!!"

Chara looked behind Asriel and the skeleton give her an idea.

Sans: "Do you remember the attack I used for damaging you when I was fighting you with Gaster and Flowey?!"

Chara remember that attack: The Gaster Blastermination

Asriel: "But I don't think that will be powerful enough to kill her!"

Chara handed her soul to Sans.

Chara: "But we know her weakness!"

Sans took Chara's soul and teleport himself in air, while Asriel set himself at safe distances.

Betty woke up, a little bit dizzy.

Even not being exactly wake Betty still tough she had won.

Hate Betty: "Whatever you three are planning, it will not work... I'm too powerful!"

Betty heard a noise, and she looked in the direction of the noise... what she saw wasn't a good feeling for her: A Sans with two glowing eye.

Sans: "Any last words?!"

Hate Betty: "............"

Sans: "Well you had your chance"

The two Sans' eye shine and a thousand of Gaster Blasters appears.


The Gasters Blasters shoot, Hate Betty tried to block it but it was vain, then she disappears in the beam.

Sans gave back to Chara her soul and then they both breathed a sigh of relief: it was finally over.

Asriel hugs the both of them and he congratulated them for the idea, after a while they turned to go, but........

Betty: "Nghhhhh......"

They looked back in the hole created by the Gaster Blastermination and they were surprised: Betty was still alive after that attack.

Strangely her body was glitched and her eyes and mouth were filled with a black purple essence.

She began to talk in third person with a sadistic purple smile.

Betty???: "I must admit Betty......... you've been more useful than I thought but........."

Betty???: ".........it seems like your usefulness has come to an end........."

Chara, Sans and Asriel did not give importance to what he said, being fed up having to deal with that thing.

Chara throw an attack, not listening to her: "I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!!! JUST DIE ALREADY!!!"

The blow went to hit, striking her in the chest, her body turned instantly into dust, but something comes off from Betty' Soul before cracking and get destroyed.

The three friends breathed a sigh of relief at the completion of the work, and for the second time they turned to go.........but then they heard, again a sound.

Asriel had enough of this: "Oh come on! You've gonna be kidding me! What now?!"

They turned back to see what caused that sound, but this time there was no one.

For a moment, they thought they had imagined it, but Chara felt a presence behind her, but again....... no one.

Chara: "What the......!?"

Sans looked around and he saw a figure among the ruins of the buildings.

Sans: "Everyone! Don't let your guard down!"

The three put themselves in a circle, not to be surrounded: the presence kept turning around them.

Chara scream: "Whoever you are! Stop running and face us!"

The mysterious guy stopped running around them but then he disappears again, then he appears in front of Chara, revealing himself.

It was a guy a couple of years older than Chara and Asriel, but he was higher than them, nearly as Asgore, he wore a tunic and a cape with hood and in the face had a mask, all dark purple.

Chara strangely couldn't feel his power, but she had the bad feeling that he was extremely strong.

Chara: "Who are you?!"

The guy smiled at Chara, which was confused.

Chara: "How could you smile and be so calm when you have three enemies in front of you? Are you stupid or something?"

The guy smiled again at Chara, almost like he was about to burst out laughing.

???: "Three enemies??? Actually I only see one foolish girl in front of my greatness"

Chara was still confused, but then she felt a liquid substance under the shoes, it was blood.

When Chara looked behind she was shocked: Asriel and Sans were bleeding and their body was turning into dust.

Sans&Asriel: "C...Chara"

When they turned into dust Chara, almost crying, looked in the direction of the guy in dark purple, which was calling she: he had her two friend's Soul into his left hand.

Chara was filled with anger, and without thinking she attacked the guy.

A sound of a blade piercing a body echoed in the air.

Chara's knife fell from her hands: the mysterious guy had summoned a black purple halberd, and with his right hand had pierced Chara's chest, with her soul on the tip of the weapon.


The guy tooked Chara's souls and absorbed it, alongside with Sans and Asriel's.

When Chara opened her eyes, she saw the guy, but this time his closets and his hair where rainbows: he had all the souls Betty took.

The boy was charging an attack, but before he used it he told Chara....

???: "Let's see if this time you'll make a better game"

The last thing Chara saw, was a giant rainbow explosion, and the last thing she heard was the guy sadistic laugh.

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