Episode 11: Family and Mistakes PART 2

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Darko tried to kill Asgore, but a fireball hits him and throw him away.

Darko:"First the King... now the Queen..."

Toriel helps Asgore to get up.

Asgore:"Toriel?! What are you doing here?"

Toriel:"Trying to fix my mistakes... i suppose..."

Toriel smiled to Asgore: "I heard you before... i'm...sorry....i shouldn't say that to you...when i'm the only one who never forgive you... especially after i've done to you in the Arena against that fake Betty..."
Asgore retrieve the smile, but then Darko comes back...

Darko: "Very well... i'm happy for you two, at least now you'll rest in peace after i'm done with you..."

Asgore: "You'll never win Darko!"

Toriel: "A thing like you... without emotions, without a heart... will never win..."

Darko: "..."

Darko: "Tsk... spare me your speeches about good and bad..."

Darko: "I can feel emotions... but only i choose what emotion i have to follow..."

Asgore: "You're just a human, blinded by power... a power you never chose to have..."

Darko: "Well, sorry to disappoint you, but i agreed with my parents'decision...they saw something in me... i would've done the same..."

Toriel: "Very well then... it appears is useless trying to change your mind..."

Darko: "And it appears that you're losing precious time..."

Darko's souls shine again...

Asgore: "His trait is coming back...we need to end this quick..."

Toriel: "i agree..."

Darko: "COME AT ME!"


Gaster was in his lab, he asked the other to go away, he wanted to stay alone for seeing Jessica's CD....

Jessica(CD): "Hi, i don't know who'll have this CD first, maybe Betty,Frisk or Chara... but please, whoever you are, give this CD to Doctor W.D. Gaster please... as my last wish..."

Gaster was near to cry, but he kept watching the CD...

Jessica(CD): "Doctor Gaster... when i first met you... i thought i would've died by your hand... for what i've done... but... then you spared me, even if the only one who should've died for his sins was me..."

Jessica(CD): "Undyne and Darko are fighting... I have to help her... even if i'll probably die..."

*Jessica cried, then she return looking the camera with a smile...

Jessica(CD): "Gaster... it was nice to meet you... you were right... we're much similar than we thought..."

Jessica:(CD) "I love you..."

Gaster tried to resist, but the he gave up and started crying hard...he couldn't believe to Jessica's word, then he teleport himself away...far from everyone...

Back to the battle...

Asgore charged Darko, he dodged the attack and retrieve it, but Toriel stopped him.

Darko attacks Toriel, trying to stab her, but Asgore blocks the halberd with his trident, then both throws fireballs to him, but he dodged them jumping away...

Darko: "You two are good, i like your teamwork... just like when they fought in the arena..."

Toriel: "This time you won't manipulate us..."

Darko: "I don't need to manipulate you this time..."

Darko's soul shine again, then he punched the ground, destroying everything around him...

Toriel: "What the?!"

Asgore: "His powers are coming back! We need to end this in one shot!"

Darko charged a Pain Beam: "I agree with you! Take this!"

Asgore and Toriel tried to block it, but Toriel was pushed away from the energy.

Asgore: "Tori!"

Darko charged another one: "Now it's you turn! Say goodbye!"

Asgore blocked it with the Flame Tornado, but the Beam was too strong and destroy the attack...

Toriel: "I'm sorry Asgore..."

Toriel pushed the King away, and the beam hits her, killing her on the shot,only her closeth barely remain...

Asgore: "TORIEL!!! NO!!!"

Darko: "Well, i guess she paid for what she've done you in the Arena... at least you had a honorable death...Queen Toriel..."

Asgore: "I'll make you pay for what you've done... i'll kill you...I'LL KILL YOU DARKO!!!"
Darko: "You can't harm me anymore... and soon my power will come back... you have no chance..."

Asgore: "(Gaster warned me about the side effects, but i don't care...)"

Asgore took a rainbow vial and drink it...

Darko: "What in the Underworld is that?!"

A light covered Asgore... he comes out with a rainbow trident, and a golden armour...

Darko: "What the!?"

Asgore: "Prepare yourself, Thomas Darko..."

Asgore: "This will be the last day of your life!"

Darko was surprised: "Ok... this could be bad..."

Asgore: "DIE!!!!"


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