6: Oh... Go Hug a Landmine

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He sucked in a breath, his other hand itching as he ran it over his lower stomach, biting on his lip as he gave one more thought into whether or not this was going to be a slightly longer shower. The prospect of an orgasm being so close but so far would have tempted even the strongest of men- and Frank Iero was no Hercules when it came to sexual withdrawal. He felt his lip tremble at the prospect, giving one last glance at the closed bathroom door before he finally reached 'fuck it'.

Frank wrapped a hand around himself, whimpering quietly under his breath as the simple touch seemed to both relieve stress and tighten about sixty knots at once. Frank tightened his grip for a moment, sliding his wet palm up over his length and back down, his hand going back to cup his balls. He gasped softly, leaning back against the shower wall with his head. Frank opened his eyes, sucking in a short breath as his hand found it's way around his dick yet again. But no. Frank shook his head and straightened up, clearing his throat.

Frank frowned, grabbing his loofa and his shower gel from the caddy they had hung. He squirted some of the berry scented wash onto the grey washer and began furiously scrubbing his arms. He ran his sponge loofah over his chest, still scowling. He ran the loofa over his stomach, touching the base of his dick. He felt a spark of electricity in his veins and he looked down at his soapy skin, looking down at his dick still achingly hard. Frank tried again, his fingers stroking his dick slowly, moaning quietly. He felt each millimeter of touch made another notch in his already heated coil burn brighter.

Frank pulled away with a light gasp, whimpering as he looked at the door again with a guilted frown in his brows and a loofa in his hand, the other hand- sordid hand- behind him on the wall. Frank let out a groan, dropping his soaped up sponge, feeling it fall on his foot with a splotch as he wrapped a hand around his dick again, rougher than he had before, stroking quickly, catching himself off guard with a moan.

He looked down, his mouth hanging agape, his eyes glued to what he was currently busy with. He tightened his grip, his other hand raking on the tiles as he panted, his fingertips tingling. He felt the hot water on his skin as he carried on stroking, pumping. Frank let out a grunt, his free hand running over his ass when he froze. Did he really just consider it? Would he really be the one to do that to himself?

Oh yes. Frank mewled at the touch, his soaped up fingers tracing softly over his asshole, whimpering incessantly at the touch, at the slight burn that came with his teasing.

"Oh fuck- shit." Frank groaned to himself, picking up his pace as his skin began to heat up, his cheeks flushed brightly as they always did. Frank arched his back, his knees buckling as a shaky breath made its way from his panting lips, his rapidly rising and falling chest. Frank's eyes had yet to budge, still staring with a perverted fixation as he jerked himself off. He let out a shallow gasp, shuddering as the heat wormed its way into his nervous system.

Frank so badly wanted to make it last, so badly wanted to keep building his climax for as long as possible, draw out just how good he felt but he knew that it wouldn't last. It was just too good, it was just way too much from how his fingers were working, both pumping slick and plundering his asshole.

Frank hardly ever had the pleasure of Ryan in his asshole, either dick or fingers, and Frank had yet to ever experience a mouth on his hole; one of his greatest mysteries. Ryan would never in his wildest dreams think of something as vulgar as eating Frank out and barely let Frank do the same, his reasoning that if Frank did do it, he wouldn't kiss him for a week. Frank was already denied sex more than he cared to admit, the last thing he wanted was to have Ryan take away his plump, cherry lips. Frank would die. He let out a groan at the thought of Ryan's mouth, his knees shaking as he found himself standing up on his toes. A shuddering gasp leaving his chest as he finally remembered to breathe.

ONE: Vanilla on My HandsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu