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Jang InHye was sitting in class, taking her notes whilst the teacher tapped the board.

"Are all of you paying attention?" Mr. Ahn banged the chalkboard with his hand.

"Yes sir..." All the students answered, focusing back onto their unopened notebooks.

"We have a student coming in after lunch, he will introduce himself and find an empty seat" Mr.Ahn informed the students, and girls started gossiping.

"Did you hear that? It's going to be a boy!" One female student whispered to her friends, causing them to giggle.

"I hope he's hot" Another girl daydreamed, playing with her hair.

"Pay attention!" Mr. Ahn boomed, banging his hand on the chalkboard once again.

"Sorry, sir!" The students apologized and started focusing back on the lesson.


"Lunchtime..." InHye packed up her stuff and headed to her locker to grab her lunch.
While on the way, she accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh- I'm sorry" She saw his books so, InHye started to pick them up.

"No worries" The boy said with no emotion, which made InHye look at her face.

"Are you... New here?" InHye felt his cold aura, it was really hard to miss.
She was lured in, InHye wanted to know more about him.

"Yeah, I need to go to the bathroom, but I don't know where that is" He scratched the back of his head.

"Oh, it's over there" The girl pointed over to the male bathroom. InHye didn't really want to talk, so she tried to make the conversation short.

"Oh, ok" The boy didn't bow, neither did he thank her, he just left.

"Wow... Um... I'll just go eat now" InHye shook her hand at his unmannered actions, heading to her secret place where she would have lunch.


Humming as the calm girl to a small bite of her salad, staring at the empty field of green grass.

"His aura was different, it was interesting..." InHye spoke to herself, letting the wind blow against her light brown hair. "He was pretty handsome too, girls are going to go crazy for him"

She rolled her eyes and slightly laughed, taking another bite of her salad. Then, her phone started to vibrate in her backpack.

"Hello? Mom?" She answered the call.

"Hi, sweetie! How are you?" Her mom beamed, it sounded like she was out in a busy place.

"I'm doing fine, the house just feels very empty" Her parents were out on a business trip for the company they work under. "How's work? And dad?"

"Oh. Your father is doing fine, it's pretty nice over in JeJu. And for work, we have a bunch of meetings tomorrow so I decided to call you today, to check up on you, and see how you are doing without us"

"Tell him not to stress himself too much, that's not healthy" InHye smiled, finishing the rest of her greens and closed the container. Then, the bell started to ring, startling her just a little bit. "Oh, I have to go, mom"

"Ok, have a fun time in class. Call me if you need something" Her mom reassured. "I'll end it too, I need to join the meeting with your dad"

"Ok, bye mom!" InHye presses the red button to end the call.
She stuffed the container and her phone into her backpack, climbing down the stairs of the bleachers and heading back to her classroom.


"Ok class!" Our other teacher walked in, Mrs. Kim. "As Mr.Ahn told you, you guys are getting a new classmate. He is here now and will introduce himself"

The boy that she bumped into in the hallway walked through the doors of the classroom, making girls swoon and scream over him.

"Hello. My name is Huang Renjun and I am from China. I don't like talking so please leave me alone" Renjun spork with no heart, bowing only the slightest bit.

"He doesn't like talking but boy is he cute!" One girl behind her squealed.

"Ok Renjun, you may sit... Right next to InHye, because that is the last open seat" Mrs. Kim pointed to InHye, who had one AirPod in, listening to music and doodling in the blank page of her notebook. She stopped paying attention after he introduced himself.
Once Renjun sat down, Mrs. Kim started the lesson.
Yo yo, finalllyyyy! Renjuniiieeee! We be saving the maknaes for last I see you I see you 👀

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