|| Chapter 3: Not His Girlfriend ||

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I went out from the apartment, and I just decided to walk to my house as it's just near her apartment, and its also already midnight.

My moved slowed as I heard footsteps behind me. I just didn't mind it and I decided to just continue my path.

I shaked my head and gurpped my bag tightly.

It's just no one Y/N.. Relax..

But as I take more steps, the footsteps that I heard became more loud and fast. I didn't realized my steps also fasten and I hurried walking so that I can go home now.

I placed my hand on my bag, trying to find the peppermint spray on my bag, incase the person following me- THE STEPS ARE SO FAST NOW.

I hurriedly walked and I decided to turn around to see the person and spray him with the peppermint spray! But as I turned my sight to the person.....

I sighed in relief and in disappointed. IT SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME! And it's only no other than Jeon Jungkook.

"Why are you following me? Huh???" I questioned him as I placed the spray back to my bag.

"Excuse me? I'm not following you.. This is also the direction where my house is located.." You are so dumb Y/N. You are just a complete mess. Aishhh..

I just turned my back at him and slapped myself in disappointment. But I remembered something.

"But you went home earlier than me... Why are you behind my back??" I crossed my arms at him as I saw he was eating an icecream. Oh no, don't tell me-

"I went to the convenience store after I left Lisa's apartment, and I bought this icecream. When I was about to leave the store, I saw you walking. And as what I said, the direction where you're walking is also the direction where my house is located, so that's why.. Any more questions? Hmmm??"

My face heated up as he explained everything. Aishhh why am I asking him like this?

He isn't my boyfriend.. But I remembered something again!

"Ah yes.. Why did you just left your girlfriend there without even saying goodbye??" I asked him confidently, but I guess I just ruined my confidence as he explained again.

"I bid goodbye to her.."

I chuckled. "When? Where? How? Huh? I was there at the scene! You didn't say goodbye to Lisa!!"

"I messaged her.." His defense again.

I chuckled again.. Wahh, seriously..

Instead of saying goodbye in person, he really messaged her when she's in front of him? Pfffttt..

"Seriously?? You really messaged her? Even though she was only in front of you? You could've just waved at her or just say 'bye' at her.."

"Look.. If I didn't bid goodbye to my girlfriend, it's already my and her problem.. Why do you keep butting in? You are not my girlfriend and she's not your sister.."


I felt so broke when he said I was not his girlfriend.

But yahhh!! Why are you feeling broken self?? It's true!

You are not his girlfriend!! But why do you feel so saddd?? Aishhhh!!!

"B-But she... S-She is still my b-bestfriend!!" I just hurried my steps after I mumbled it out in him.

I couldn't let him saw the tears which is now falling onto my cheeks.

Damn, why are you still so affected Y/N? They are now couples for 4 years and you are still so affected! Stop it Y/N!!

I finally went back home, and I let myself fall on the bed. I didn't had the strength to change my clothes as I was too tired from that.

Yes. We just talked but I am already so exhausted.

Ahhhh!! Stop thinking about Y/N!! Why are you still affected for 4 long yearsss Aishhh!! Move on girl.. Move on!!!

I just let myself fell asleep at that moment, but even in my dreams, Jeon Jungkook still appears.


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