Chapter 8 Actions are Stronger than Lies

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"King Rhian, I insist that Camelot takes action against the remaining rebels outside your dungeons," The King of Pifflepaff Hills said, and the other rulers' voices arose, half in agreement with his statement and the other half still confused over Rhian's sudden claim to the throne.

Rhian was seated in his golden crested throne in Camelot's throne room. The other rulers of the kingdoms were gathered before him, some sitting in chairs and on cushions while others just stood around.

The rulers who'd been present at the moment Rhian freed Excalibur demanded that Rhian held a meeting to deal with some of the issues and pressing questions concerning Rhian's newfound position as Camelot's king. Rhian gladly obliged them, and here he was now, listening to each King and Queen's worries.

"People claim Agatha is missing from your dungeons," The elfish king of Ladleflop pointed out, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Do you deny this?"

Rhian shifted in his seat and gripped the armrests of his throne tightly until his knuckles whitened. Forcing a calm look upon his face, he smiled at the Ladleflop King.

"It's true," Rhian admitted. "Tedros's princess went missing sometime during my claim to the throne. But as soon as I found out of her disappearance, I sent out the Captain of my Guard and a few of my men to track her down. Don't you worry. She'll be found and locked up soon enough."

The Ladleflop King stroked his beard as if he was thinking deep and hard about Rhian's words and the rest of the rulers gathered in the throne room whispered to each other anxiously.

"Be that as it may, Agatha is a beloved hero throughout the endless woods," The honey edged voice belonging to the Queen of Jaunt Jolie spoke up. "There are many who doubt that she would ever follow Tedros if she knew about his illegitimate claim to Camelot's throne. Perhaps Agatha was fooled by her prince's demeanor just like the rest of us."

Rhian's gaze locked on the Queen of Jaunt Jolie. She wore a billowing baby blue gown that hugged her every curve and her throat and fingers were adorned with diamonds. The Queen met his gaze and her red glossed lips quirked upwards in a knowing smile.

"As Queen Jacinda said, we do not know for sure if Agatha was even aware of Tedros's false claims," Rhian told the crowd. "So to be certain, when I do capture her, she will be asked to prove her loyalty to the One True King; me or Tedros. If she chooses Tedros, than we will know where her true loyalties lie and she shall be put to death alongside him."

"And if she chooses you?" The Ladleflop King inquired.

"If Agatha proves her loyalty to me, than I shall let her go," Rhian answered firmly, raising his head in defiance. "Only the traitors to Camelot shall be put to death unless they renounce their loyalties to their once false king and follow me...That includes Tedros."

Shocked murmurs rang from the crowd at Rhian's words and Rhian resisted a devious smile. By saying he was willing to let Agatha go and not execute Tedros, Rhian was shining himself in a new light. The rulers would see that Rhian was an honorable man and an even worthy king because he wasn't being unjust. Although executing Tedros and Agatha would be easy, Rhian felt that the prince and princess would be more valuable to him as allies than as enemies.

If Japeth could hear this meeting now, and listen to the words Rhian spoke of, he'd disagree. Japeth would rather execute Tedros and Agatha than keep them alive. But many of the rulers still doubted Rhian's claim to the throne and if he were to execute Tedros and all his friends, those many rulers might turn against Camelot.

So Rhian had to be smart about this. In order to gain the rulers' loyalties and erase any doubt in their minds, this was the way to go. (Even if it was a way Rhian's brother would disagree with).

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