Chapter 29 How to Love

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"Loving someone isn't about just loving that person. You also have to learn to love yourself along the way too."


Japeth found Krushem laying in bed in the medical ward of the palace, exactly where the Camelot guard said he'd be.

The thief was motionless, so still that Japeth thought for an instant that Krushem had passed on. But when Japeth drew closer, he saw Krushem was staring at something. His gaze was fixated elsewhere, at something Japeth couldn't see.

When Japeth sat on the end of the bed, Krushem's head swiveled towards him. Seeing Japeth again, Krushem opened his mouth to speak, but an ugly cough racked from his throat.

"Here, drink," Japeth said, grabbing the cup of water beside Krushem's bed. He brought the rim of the cup to Krushem's lips, and Krushem gulped the water down.

"Did—did you get him back?" Krushem rasped. His voice was rough as if it were a struggle for him to speak, and Japeth found himself removing the blanket from Krushem's body.

Krushem was shirtless. His torso was bruised and scratched, and there was bandages wrapped around his abdomen where he'd been stabbed. Japeth could see blood seeping through the bandages.

Sweat beaded Krushem's forehead, making his hair stick to his face. It was clear Krushem was in a great deal of pain, and Japeth used a wet towel to wipe the sweat off Krushem's face.

"Yes, Aric is back. Alive," Japeth answered, pressing the rag against sweaty skin. "Would you like to see him?"

Japeth hated the thought of allowing Krushem to speak to Aric knowing that Krushem had a crush on Aric. But nothing bad would come from Krushem and Aric speaking, would it?

Instead of looking happy, a shadow seemed to fall across Krushem's face and much to Japeth's surprise, Krushem turned his face away from him. It was a clear indication Krushem didn't want to see the boy he claimed he had feelings for.

"I can't," Krushem said. He twisted his eyes close and a shudder raked through him.

"Then let me at least heal you," Japeth offered, wincing as he watched Krushem shake in pain. "I'm the One True King now. You'll feel better once you're healed."

But when Japeth prepared to call forth Lionsmane, Krushem seized his wrist, stopping him. Krushem's ashen face neared Japeth's and he chuckled dryly despite the fact there was nothing funny about the situation he was currently in.

"Think you can break curses?" Krushem asked.

Japeth furrowed his brow and cocked his head in confusion at Krushem's question. But Krushem seemed dead serious. There was a haunted look in Krushem's gaze that Japeth didn't miss.

What was Krushem talking about? What curse?

Japeth waited for Krushem to clarify, to give an explanation to his out of nowhere question, but Krushem's attention was suddenly directed elsewhere as if he was back to staring at something Japeth couldn't see. Perhaps Krushem was suffering from Hallucinations from the blood loss?

"I—I need think," Krushem breathed, not looking back at Japeth again.

Japeth decided to leave Krushem be. He would return later when Krushem had come to his senses and made the choice to let Japeth save him. Whatever inner turmoil Krushem was dealing with, that was Krushem's battle to fight—not Japeth's.

"I'll return soon enough if you change your mind," Japeth informed Krushem, getting up to leave.

Japeth started to move away, but the sound of Krushem's broken voice made him halt at the doorway of the room. With his superheating scims, Japeth could hear Krushem's voice, thick with emptiness.

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