Chapter 25 Broken Hearted

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A/N—The Answers to the question in the previous chapter was C.) Someone is gonna get really hurt 🩸and D.) someone is gonna die. 😭


Unexpectedly, it seemed that the schools had been prepared for Japeth's attack. While Japeth and the allies of Camelot should've gotten the upper hand against the schools, it seemed as if the students at the School for Good and Evil had been expecting the attack all along.

Left and right, every which way, first year students and Nevers apart of the Never kingdoms allied to Camelot were engaged in combat. First year students were using defensive spells against their opponents while Nevers resorted to attacking back ruthlessly.

Even Stymph had joined in on the fight to defend first year students by carrying Camelot allies off.

Japeth narrowly dodged a swooping stymph's long twisted talons. He ducked low to the ground to avoid it, and the Stymph miscalculated Japeth's move and flew over Japeth before crashing to the ground.

A brave first year student rushed towards Japeth after that, deciding to try to attack Japeth. But Japeth evaded the student easily by tugging the student to the ground using a lone Scim. The Scim darted back onto Japeth's suit stealthily before anyone else could notice.

Japeth couldn't use his scims anymore without risking his true identity being revealed. Right now, he was Rhian. He was the good hearted king of Camelot who'd come to capture Tedros.

As much as Japeth hated it, he had to continue playing the part.

In that moment, he was not the Snake. Nor was he the broken twin who'd just let his other half go.

Japeth was strong. Japeth was the only person standing in the way of Tedros and Tedros's rightful place upon Camelot's throne.

Japeth had already won the first trial in the test. If he was determined enough, he could win the next two trials. He could easily beat Tedros before Tedros could make another move against him. 

But first, Japeth had to make sure Tedros and the other heroes were aware that he meant business. This was no child's game.

This was war.

"Take prisoners!" Japeth hissed orders as he passed by Never soldiers taking down first year students. "Shoot the stymphs out of the sky if you have to! Just get rid of them—"

Japeth's voice suddenly trailed off when he glimpsed that there were a few figures streaking across the battlefield, emerging from the glittering castle of the School for Good.

Japeth felt that familiar tingle of power he'd only tasted once before in that brief moment he'd thought he'd gained the Storian's powers at him and Sophie's failed wedding. It was the final ring. It was singing to him, calling him forth.

Like a magnet, Japeth felt attracted towards it, closer and closer until he found himself rushing across the school grounds in pursuit of the figures.

Yet again, Nobody took notice of Japeth leaving the battle. Everybody else was too engaged in their own fights to see Japeth chasing after the figures.

Japeth followed the figures, further and further along. It was only when the figures slowed to a halt far away from the others battling it out that Japeth finally stopped too.

Tedros and Agatha turned to face him, their expressions steely. Japeth had thought he'd only been following the prince and Princess, but then he saw that Tedros and Agatha's friends were there too.

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