Chapter 7 The King and His Liege

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Japeth and Rhian had fought so hard to get to this moment. They'd struggled endless hours, day and night, to reach this goal.

Now, it was finally here.

Camelot was finally theirs. Rhian was the king and Japeth, his liege. Gone was the lion and the snake. Instead, they brothers were no longer "enemies." They were the lion and the eagle.

Dressed in a blue and gold suit that closely matched with the gold and blue king's uniform Rhian wore, Japeth faked a smile at the crowd below him. Beside him, Rhian was waving, holding Sophie close to his chest with the blade of Excalibur rested precariously against her spine.

Tedros and the rest of his friends had been thrown into the dungeons and now Rhian addressed the crowd of citizens from various kingdoms, his voice strong and deep—the baritone of a mighty lion.

"I fought and slayed the snake while Tedros did nothing," Rhian's voice echoed, sharp as a whip. "I saved your kingdoms and did everything Tedros was too cowardly to do. Tedros may have Arthur's blood just as I do, but I'm more deserving of Camelot's throne than he could ever be..."

Rhian continued on, his voice carrying out but Japeth was no longer listening. He studied Rhian's cocksure smile and the way Rhian gripped Sophie tightly.

Japeth could see Rhian's dreams coming true, unfolding right before him. To be Camelot's king was all Rhian had ever wanted and with Japeth's help, that moment was finally here.

If only Rhian's beliefs had been true. But it was nothing more but a lie.

Japeth knew for a fact that King Arthur was not their father. He never was, which meant Rhian was not the deserved King of Camelot. He was a fraud.

Japeth had to lie to him, his own twin, because he couldn't risk the prophecy of the One True King never being full filled. He couldn't risk not ensuring Aric's return from death.

Japeth was broken, empty inside and if he wanted to be fixed, if he wanted to be full, he had to have Aric back. Aric was the only person Japeth loved more than anything. Aric was Japeth's only wish.

Bonds of blood weren't enough anymore. Rhian and Japeth's brotherhood wasn't enough anymore. What would be enough was Aric.

Japeth wanted his true love back. He was choosing love over family. Friendship over blood.

Maybe secretly wanting Aric back and lying to his own twin about who their father was made Japeth out to be selfish. Maybe Japeth had always been selfish, always wanting Aric more than he could ever want Rhian. But Rhian was selfish too.

Rhian had never accepted Japeth and Aric's friendship. Rhian had seen their friendship as something that was unnatural and wrong, and that's why he'd cast Aric from Arbed House against Japeth's wishes.

Rhian believed it was Evelyn, their mother, that he wished to have back. But it was Aric Japeth wished for.

"My princess is quite eager to get going on the wedding preparations," Rhian's voice snapped Japeth from his thoughts and he watched as Rhian leaned close to Sophie to whisper something in her ear. By the way Sophie's face blanched, Japeth knew his brother had told her something menacing. "So I shall leave her to it," Rhian said to the crowd, tugging Sophie away. "You're all invited to the events that shall take place before the wedding—"

As Rhian spoke, he moved Sophie towards a trio of armored pirates. As the pirates were about to guide Sophie away, Japeth found himself intercepting them.

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