Education (Children)

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Warning: This is poorly structured haha

I consider Education as an important topic, mainly because I study something related to it, but I think it is part of something bigger in society, education is related to de progress and decisions that leads the world to what it is.
At the same time I've been thinking that the quality of education is not responsible of anything.

But, before continuing —and getting more existencial—, I want to state something. Education is not just related to school. Education is an accumulation of experiences and knowledge that is given to us from our parents, community, school and the type of society we're living in.
And the amount of wrong or good decisions the society has made it's the result of the moral and ethic that their knowledge has let them have.
People usually blame on school for not reaching enough or blame the educational system. And maybe I blame the last one too, but it must be difficult create a system that actually works with determined country, like... Maybe the Finland system will not work in the United States or Mexico. The issue here is how education is working on kids. Children have the ability to absorb a lot of knowledge, they can learn a lot using all of his senses, I personally find it super cool that those kids can use all of their curiosity to learn the world they live in.

The theories that have influenced me the most are Vygostky's, Piaget's and Rousseau's.  Since I begin the "journey" of learning about kids and how to educate them, I got first interested in the naturalism of Rousseau's theory, because... yeah, developing the children's moral sense and knowledge without pushing them so hard seems right to me. But before saying something about the other's theory, I want to say that all of these three have common thing.

Kids learning from experience.

Rousseau was like "At the beginning they experience with their emotions and impulses, then they start to use the reason".

Piaget said that "Children learn using their senses since their birth, they try to learn from the world they live in".

And Vygotsky stated the socio-cultural learning theory in which "children develop their mental process through social and cultural experiences".

And we need to point the importance of the space where children learn daily. But going to criticize the type of ambient and place they live in, or the quality of school it's just a continuos loop. To get real educations you need a good society too, and to get a good society you need education, everything is so weird. When I choose Education, I choose children, because they are the best learners to me. And I believe that through education I can somehow help them to become better people that will lead us in the future, that's my wish for education. But I don't wanna be teaching in school, I wanna teach kids in any space possible.

Schooling does not always lead to learning. Worldwide, there are more non-learners in school than out of school.

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