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Hi, I'm really sorry about the updates to this story I've always struggled with English and organising this is harder than I expected it to be. I want to say thank you to everyone who voted for this it means a lot 💗.
But I also have some bad news, I'm not sure were to go with this story (which is kinda sad seeing as it's only chapter 4)so it would be really appreciated if you could leave some ideas in the comments.
I hope you enjoy.

Harry ran down the stone steps as quick as his legs could carry him. His head was ringing and his Breath laboured. Tears  had started slowly falling down his face like a river. He was running through hallways pushing around corners and stumbling down steps until he finally reached the vast doors that let you exit the main halls.
Pushing open the doors he finally took a long gasp of air as if he had been under water all this time.
He slowly started to walk next to the lake, peering into the water every now and again.
Why was everything so difficult?,  How come everything always went so wrong?
Harry sat leaning against a tree his face buried in his hands as his body slowly started to shake as tears continued to run down his face until he fell into a uncomfortable sleep.

When he woke the air was cold and he was curled into a small fetal position trying to make himself as small as possible. It had to have still been early as he could hear no noise and even outside the smell of food is immense when it's in the great hall.

Standing up he stretched his uncomfortable muscles, his bones ached as his back clicked and he slowly padded his way back up to the entrance hall.

Harry was right it was definitely early as the only thing he saw in the hallways was ghosts and most of the ghosts aren't to chatty he was especially lucky he didn't see that darn poltergeist knowing he always had a way to get on his already agitated nerves.

Harry wasn't sure if he should go back to his dormitory or not if there was a chance someone was awake he didn't want to get judged at for pushing that random girl. He just wanted to... he just wanted her to stop he didn't mean to actually hurt her feelings or anything. Maybe he should just go to the great hall sure he was a couple hours early but maybe I can just sit and do some homework for a while. My homework's in my dorm. You see how the problem keeps going round to the same solution.

With a groan he sulked all the way up the stairs to his dorm praying no one would be there. Whispering the password to the annoyed fat lady he quietly crept in, the room smelled terrible like really strong fire whiskey and a bit of vomit which I'm sure the others will love to see when they wake up.

He was surprised no one was asleep on the couches but seeing as our head is Mcgonagall I'm sure they had some prodding before they actually went to bed.

Strolling quietly across the room, Harry made it to the stairs leading to his room when he heard a loud cough, no not a not a natural cough a 'excuse me what are you doing' sort of cough.

His head snapped around and there sat on the table was Hermione her arms crossed tightly amongst her chest, her eyes stern as she glared at Harry with all the anger she could muster.
"Where the hell have you been!" She cried.
"Me and Ron were looking for you for ages! What were you thinking!"
"I know I over reacted I'm sorry" Harry muttered.
"Overreacted? Harry you pushed her across the room!"
"She invaded my personal space!" He yelled.
"That was the whole point of the dare!" She said stomping up to him.
"She started crying after you left, thought you thought she was ugly or something" Harry looked down slightly ashamed.
"I didn't mean for it to happen" He muttered.
"...what's gotten into you Harry" he didn't respond.
"Please Harry just talk to us"
Harry looked Into her eyes and for the first time couldn't hold it in anymore and collapsed into her warm embrace. She without question started to rub small circles in his back forgetting how angry she was two seconds ago.
He hadn't cried this much in a long time, Vernon said crying was weak, Harry didn't want to be weak, not anymore.
"The prophet" he murmured his head still stuffed in her shoulder.
"It's true.." his voice was barely audible.
"What!" She said pulling away from her hands still grasping his shoulders. "I thought it was just another fake news story?... why didn't you tell us" Harry stared intensely at the floor is hands clasped together.

"I was scared"

𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓫𝓮 𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓭 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ