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Harry ran back to his dormitory; pushing countless people out the way. Panic grew in his face and limbs, his mind replaying the past as his breathing turned fast and shallow.

He ran into his room slamming the door in great haste.He new everyone was at breakfast or walking to their first lesson. He slowly put his head on the door desperately trying to calm himself, but there's a storm inside him. How could this have happened?! Harry began to quickly brush his pale fingers through his dark brown hair. His eyes shut, he felt like he was drowning, suffocating in worries.

He quickly ran into the bathroom and placed his hands on the sink; gripping on for deer life. He looked at one of the raisers on the side but new he couldn't He looked up to the mirror, barely moving just staring.lost in thought.
Suddenly he raised his arm to the mirror, pounding his fist into its smooth surface.And little shards collapsed to the floor.
"Ah fuck...shit shit shit" Harry muttered as his hand started to bleed.

Instead of cleaning his wounds Harry just got in the shower. He didn't care about class anymore he needed time to stop. Stop everything. Even just for an hour. He had never felt worry like this before. But instantly began to feel better as he felt the hot water stream down his back.

By the time he got out second lesson had just started. He wrapped up his hand in a bandage from the cabinet under the sink. He took a deep breathe and left the dorm.checking his timetable he realised he had potions. This day couldn't any worse

The lesson now was already 15 minutes in so he was already in trouble but it was better than not going at all... and he needed the distraction. He tried to opened the door as quietly as possible and slowly stepped in then was greeted by the whole class starring at him, he looked around but couldn't see snape anywhere.
"Potter!" He gasped and turned around to see snape behind him with a tray of potions and powders.
Snape walked to the front of the class leaving Harry stood at the door staring at him with a shocked expression.
"Why are you late,potter"
Harry who was feeling slightly annoyed from this mornings events just went to sit at one of the back tables and muttered "No reason, I just really didn't want to come"some of the gryffindors laughed.

"20 points from gryffindor for disrespect, honestly ,potter, you think you are so much better than everyone else" he yelled, and went back to teach the lesson, Harry really didn't care anymore so he just stared out the window...all lesson. He was surprised no one said anything it soon enough it was break. He waited for Ron and Hermione to get up, and they walked out the class together.

As soon as they left Hermione turned to him "where were you! You missed charms"
"Yeh, sorry I forgot my book but than decided to have a shower" i sighed looking forward. "Is this about what the prophet said, Harry do you need to tell us something" she said looking at him deep in the eyes "no I'm fine" he said, rather aggressively. Hermione huffed looking rather frustrated but tried to keep calm "whatever Harry, there's a gryffindor party tonight for beating Hufflepuff" "sure" said Harry getting very annoyed with Hermione's pestering and everyone's stares as they walked through the hallways. "What happened to your hand" Ron muttered. He was looking at the bandage. "I uh...I hurt it In quidditch and thought it might help" they kept walking not speaking, everyone who looked at Harry was gaping. "Are you going to go to the nurse" Hermione whispered "what" said Harry
"Your hand"
"Oh yeh, I'll go now, see ya" he said and turned around and started walking back to his dorm 'not today' he thought


"Oi Potter saw the prophet" came the sneering voice of Draco Malfoy.
"I always thought you were a daddy issues sought" he said in a joking manner.

"Where's your cult Malfoy, decided that you don't need death eater, and can walk around in your big boy pants" said Harry staring Draco in the eyes "and anyway if anyone has daddy issues it's you"

Harry then went to turn away but Draco shoves him. They look at each over for a bit "whatever potter" and he walked away, looking surprisingly sad. Whatever Malfoy can go sos himself

𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓫𝓮 𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓭 Where stories live. Discover now