Chapter Thirty-Two

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The floorboards creaked under my feet, and I froze for a solid minute, gaze darting around the small room as I waited for something to jump at me from the shadows. I found myself in a kitchen, the pots hanging from the ceiling covered in a fine layer of dust- the fridge creaking and groaning with the effort to keep the food at room temperature.

I took another step, easing around the peeling counter before edging up to the door. It led into a hallway, silent and empty. I took a quiet breath, easing further in.

My eyes caught on Josuke through the window, crouching over a form on the pathway. Blood soaked the concrete around him, the shaft of an arrow-

The arrow.

My gaze trailed to the man in the doorway, and I grit my teeth.

He was using a stand- but the readings I was picking up was all over the place.

I glanced behind me, hoping to see one of the other two. Instead, only more shadows greeted me, thick and heavy along the dilapidated walls.

My attention focused back on Okuyasu's brother, who was standing in the middle of the doorway, gaze on Josuke's friend. Okuyasu was standing in the middle of the yard, halfway between Keicho and Josuke. He was the wildcard. Josuke turned, rage evident in every part of his face.

The floorboards creaked behind me. My head whipped around, though a finger pressed to my lips.

Blue eyes flashed in the darkness, the light flowing in through the open doorway catching on brown hair. I relaxed.

He eased past me, eyes alert, flitting around the hall. Just as I had, he'd realized the presence of a hostile stand. Trying to place it. Josuke was talking, his voice a dim strain in the tiny hallway. It was cold, though raised at the end- displaying his clear anger. The air around him was charged, informing me that Crazy Diamond was out.

I glanced at Joseph as he stepped closer to Keicho. Okuyasu's gaze was on his brother, eyes widening as he saw Joseph behind him.

I cursed, launching myself forwards in a single beat. Hamon surged, slamming into his brother's stomach.

Eyes widened, breath leaving him in a sudden burst. At the same time, a yelp escaped Joseph, his body thrown to the side as holes appeared in the floor where he'd been standing. Blood stained one sleeve of his shirt- his eyes raking the ceiling above the doorway.

Keicho was recovering as Josuke approached, giving Okuyasu a pointed look. The poor teenager paled, avoiding his gaze as shame painted his cheeks red.

A sudden crack broke through the air, and I watched in surprise as Keicho's body was wrenched backwards, blood flying from his face. Josuke was panting lightly, face scrunched. I grabbed his elbow, and he glanced back at me.

"We need him alive," I said tightly. His face tightened, but he nodded sharply. Joseph had already tied him up (I assumed) because Keicho looked very unhappy, arms at awkward angles as they pressed to his sides. "Get Jotaro," I continued, giving a glance at Josuke.

The fact that the fourth hadn't yet appeared made me worried. Josuke seemed to realize it at the same time, giving the three of us a careful glance before disappearing into the depths of the house.

"Try anything funny," Joseph said, crouching next to him, "and you'll find your body in about twenty different pieces."

Keicho glared steadily at him, and I risked a glance over. Okuyasu was crouching next to the kid on the pavement, thin brows drawn. He'd sat up, rubbing his forehead with a confused glance around. A soft curse from upstairs drew my attention. I bit my lip as Keicho grinned.

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