Chapter Thirty-One

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I hummed to myself, sauntering down the pathway. The fingers of my right hand toyed with the phone in my pocket, my left running briefly over my hair before settling back in my pocket.

I hated being the bait. Although Joseph's plan was much better than anything Jonathan would've come up with, at least for this situation.

The gate was shut, latched and closed. I paused in front of it, letting my gaze trail over the front of the house. It was a classical house- with a wide porch lined with pillars to support an overhand. Boarded windows broke the monotony of peeling shingles, and what sparse brush grew around the base of the house was overgrown, creeping up along the walls.

It didn't look like anyone could ever live here, and I bit my lower lip as I pulled out my phone, feeling anxious all of a sudden. Before I had the chance to send him a text, the front door opened. I glanced up, a nervous smile flitting over my lips.

"Hey," I said. His brow was pinched as he glanced behind him, steps uneasy as he made his way down the path towards me.

"Whatcha doin' here?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck as he avoided my gaze.

"About our project," I started- though blinked as he cut me off.

"Hey, man, I mean- I'm real glad you're excited 'bout that, but... I dunno. Can we do this tomorrow?"

At that, he glanced behind him. I followed his gaze to a silhouette in the front door. I caught a flash of blond hair before it shut tightly.

"Ah," I said knowingly. "Your brother doesn't like me, does he?"

Okuyasu gave me a sheepish grin, shaking his head. I watched as he relaxed a little, and I knew that I'd caught his attention.

I took another moment to examine the house before I leaned an arm against the gate, holding Okuyasu's gaze intently.

The signal was sent. A flit of black moved over the rooftop, letting me know that it'd been received. I only hoped they had enough sense to make use of my distraction.

I pulled out my phone, flipping through my photos.

"I had some questions 'bout the homework," I said suddenly, trying to draw his attention towards me. His brow pinched.

"Why're you askin' me?" he questioned, obviously confused. "I'm pretty dumb, Josuke."

I shook my head.

"Nah, man. I've seen your homework for history class. Besides," I added, sensing that I was loosing him, "I've taken the maths course already, at my old school. This history stuff is all new to me, though."

Okuyasu seemed to brighten a little bit as I zoomed in on the easiest question on the sheet. It was a lie, mostly. I hadn't taken the history course, and, admittedly, was a little bit lost, though not on the question I'd offered to him.

I took advantage of his distraction, digging deeper into the question as he answered it quickly.

Another glance back at his house had his brow pinching further.

Quiet panic was beginning to pool in my stomach. I couldn't hold him for much longer, and nothing had come from the silent house.

Begging my brothers to move faster, I flipped to another question. This one Okuyasu seemed to have a bit more trouble with, taking a few moments to formulate an answer before replying.

Less than five minutes had passed, and sweat was beginning to gather between my shoulder blades, dripping down my spine.

"I'm glad I could help, bro," Okuyasu started, rubbing the back of his head, "but I really gotta get back. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

Bound by Blood; Chosen by FateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang