Pt.24 Love is giving

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Chapter 24

"Maksim," Owen said sternly as he watched his son from the sidelines. "Concentrate."

Maksim growled at the wolf in front of him as he waited for an opportunity to strike. He felt his father's eyes on him, watching his moves. The black wolf in front of the prince took a step forward and snapped his jaw. Maksim leaped out of the way and spun around with a clear view of the wolf's neck. Without hesitation, he pined the wolf down under his paws and aimed right for his neck.

"That's a kill shot," Exton said, giving his approval. "Now get off the mat."

Maksim got off the wolf and let the guard stand back up. He turned his head to look at his father.

"That was two minutes too long, Mackey," Owen said. "You had more than enough openings to end the fight as soon as it started. You were dragging it."

Maksim rolled his eyes in his head. He was tempted to tell his father he had no desire to train for hours as if Ella wasn't waiting for him in his room. He was restless without her. When he left in the morning she was still asleep. All he wanted to do was go back and bury his face in her hair.

There was a strange fear in Maksim. He couldn't quite name what it was, but it felt his chest feeling hollow and breathless whenever it tried to resurface. The night before, as he laid next to Ella, he couldn't shake off the feeling that she wasn't really next to him. He was scared to close his eyes in fear that when he opened them again, she might not be there.

Are we done yet? Maksim asked Owen as he shook his wolf's head.

Owen sighed before shrugging and looking down at his clipboard.

"Yes," he said. "Go ahead. You can leave."

Thanks, dad.

Maksim was running towards the locker room even before Owen finished his thought. He shifted back into his human form and jumped into showered. The hot water ran over his sore muscles as he stood under the water pressure and thought about Ella.

A smile appeared on his lips as he remembered the way she had looked asleep. Her face was so calm, her soft lips parted, and her hair falling over her shoulders like gold thread. He wanted to wake up next to her every morning.

After a quick shower, Maksim pulled on his clothes and made his way back to his room. He dropped off his bag and looked around for Ella until she saw a little note on the mirror that said she was going for a walk to the stable. He pulled out a black coat from the closet and then set off to find her.

The air outside was warm for a winter day. The sun was out high in the sky with no clouds. The piles of snow reflected the sunlight making everything even brighter. Maksim shielded his eyes as he walked across the frozen grounds and entered the stable. His eyes immediately found Ella standing by a brown horse. Her gloved hands gently stroked the horse's face as she held his rein with her other hand.

"I remember when you used to be scared of them," Maksim said from the entrance.

"They're not so bad," Ella said looking over her shoulder. "Not then they are not towering over you anymore."

Maksim laughed as he made his way over to her. He stopped next to the horse's wooden doors and gazed at her with adoring eyes as she continued to pet the horse.

"He likes you," Maksim said.

"I like him too," Ella smiled.

"Do you still remember how to ride?"

"No," Ella shook her head.

"I can teach you again," Maksim looked over his shoulder. "Maybe once the ice melts out in the field."

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