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Chapter 12

Ella held Mia's hand tightly as they sat inside the lawyer's office. Leo sat on his mother's lap and playfully struggled with the lollipop Ella had given him to keep distracted.

From behind the sisters, the door opened and two tall figures talked in. One was an old gentleman with salt and pepper hair and a clean shaven face. The other was a well built man in an expensive black suit with black hair and narrow eyes.

"Hello, Mia," he said as he walked in.

"Liam," Mia pressed her lips tightly together.

Ella followed the man's eyes to the child on Mia's lap. The bastard was seeing his own son for the first time in a judge's office.

"Hello, Ms. Dunbar," the lawyer, Eric Rizzo, greeted Mia as he urged everyone to sit down.

"You must be Ella," Liam said as he held his hand out to her.

Ella looked at his hand for a brief second before she turned away and followed Mia to the chairs.

"Alright," Mr. Rizzo cleared his throat. "Ms. Dunbar, I am sure you are aware of the reasons why we are gathered here today."

"Yes, I am," Mia said. He pulled Leo a little closer to her chest. "And I am not signing the custody agreements."

Liam sighed as he adjusted his tie. Rizzo looked from Liam to Mia and then to Leo. After a few seconds he dropped his gaze to the paperwork in front of him and took off his glasses.

"You do understand that this can be a lengthy process if we go to court," he said to Mia.

"Yes," Mia nodded. "I understand."

"Mia," Liam said. "Don't be difficult. We can come to a compromise. We can split the time between us."

"Split the time," Mia gave a bitter laugh. "Do you even know his name?"

Liam's eyes dropped to his son, "No.....I don't. But I am trying to change that."

"Little too late, buddy," Mia looked away. She fixed her eyes on Rizzo and held her head high. "I am not signing the custody agreements you sent. You can meet me in court."

"You do know the judge is a family friend of mine, correct?" Liam rubbed his jaw.

Ella wanted to smack him across the face when she saw the smirk on his lips. He was the reason for all the turmoil in her family. She wanted to drag him through the streets and make him pay.

"There are laws," Mia told him. "You can't buy your way to everything."

"Oh but I can," Liam smiled. "And I will."

"Why not?" Mia suddenly asked. "Why now, after all these years? He's almost five years old. You never cared to ask about him before."

Liam looked away. Ella wanted to know his answer too. She was interested in what possible reason he could have for the misery he put Mia through.

"I'm talking to you, Liam," Mia pushed. "Why do you want him now?"

"He's my son," Liam said.

"He was your son last year," Ella pointed out. "And the year before that. And the year before that. He was your son on his birthday. He was your son on Christmas. He was your son on Father's day."

The office grew quiet. Rizzo capped his pen and slowly closed his file. He leaned back in his chair as he eyes the parents and the child.

"If I may," he started. "This can get really ugly in court. Ms. Dunbar, with everything happening with your family, I don't think it's a smart idea to go to court."

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