Pt.3 Men in black

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Chapter 3

Maksim didn't know for how long he stood in the hall staring at the corner Ella disappeared around. He felt a whirlwind of emotions run through his system. The roses in his hand suddenly felt pointless. Why didn't he give them to her?

"Hmmm," Clare said as she stood behind her brother. "Yes, that is really an interesting corner. The architecture is really breathtaking. I mean how did they come up with the ingenious plan to put a corner there? At that very point."

Maksim didn't know why he was smiling. Usually, Clare's sass irritated him but today anything she said would fall on sweet sweet ears.

"Why are you smiling?" Clare raised a brow.

"Does Mrs. Dunbar still work at the palace?" Maksim turned to look at his sister.

"Yes...." Clare eyed him suspiciously. "Why?"

"Let's go find her," Maksim grabbed Clare's hand and started to tug her down the hall. They walked into Mardick's old office and found Vivian, the new chief of staff.

"Your grace," Vivian got up from her chair and bowed.

"Good afternoon, Vivian," Maksim smiled. "Could you call Mrs.Dunbar for me. I would like to speak to her."

"Of course, sir," Vivian, a middle aged woman with short black hair, rushed out of the office.

"You know calling her in like this will make her think she's about to get fired," Clare said as she examined her nails.

"You think so?"

Clare raised a brow, "You realize who you're talking to, correct?"

"I'm not firing her,"

"She won't think that,"


"What are you not telling me?"

Maksim smiled at his little sister, "Mrs. Dunbar's daughter, Ella Dunbar, is the blonde from last night. My mate."

"I could have told you that,"

"What?" Maksim sat up in his seat in alarm.

"No, I'm just kidding," Clare laughed. "I didn't see it."

"Stop messing with people, Clare,"

"Stop being an Idiot, Maksim."

"Your grace," Vivian's voice pulled the two royals out of their argument. They turned to look at the tall blonde woman standing beside Vivian. Mrs. Dunbar's face was engraved with worry lines as she bowed her head.

"Mrs. Dunbar," Maksim rose from his chair. "It's been so long, do you remember me?"

"Stupid question," Clare muttered under her breath.

"Of course, your grace," Ruby, Mrs. Dunbar, replied with a small smile.

"Right," Maksim sensed Clare laughing at him. "How are you?"

"I'm doing well, thank you very much for asking." Ruby's eyes flickered to all the others in the room. Vivian was just as confused as her as to why the prince had called her in here.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Dunbar," Clare said in a small soothing voice. "My brother isn't here to fire you or anything. He's just taking a stroll down memory lane and through of you."

"Oh," Ruby smiled as her shoulders eased up on the tensions just a bit.

"How is your family doing?" Clare took a step forward.

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