Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

I bit my lip, struggling to come up with some other way to delay him.

"Josuke?" a voice asked suddenly. I glanced over. A familiar form stood there, gray hair pointing up towards the sky. He blinked at me, then at Okuyasu.

"Oh. Hey, Koichi," I said easily, relaxing as I saw him. Thanking whatever god was out there for the distraction. After our run-in with Rohan, I'd forced the mangaka to erase his memories. He wasn't a stand user- and I had no interest in involving him with us if he didn't need to.

Koichi opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted.

The front door flew open, nearly ripping off its hinges. There, standing in the entryway was Okuyasu's brother. His eyes were filled with rage, a fire flickering around his body.

Panic exploded in me, though there was no sign of my brothers.

"I though I told you to take care of him," he hissed, eyes flickering between us. Okuyasu glanced back at me, then at his brother.

"He was just headin' home," Okuyasu said, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"He's trying to steal from us," his brother replied, eyes flashing. "Father's in an uproar. Which means that we have an intruder."

Okuyasu spun to me, eyes going wide.

"But then-"

Keicho let out a rough breath, voice hard and pissed.

"He was distracting you, dumbass."

My chest ached at the sudden pain in Okuyasu's eyes. Before either of us could move, Keicho snapped, "Take care of him. For real this time."

The door slammed, and I moved before Okuyasu could, tackling him to the ground and pinning him there.

Koichi shouted, dropping his bag to approach us. We ignored him, and I hoped he would have the sense to stay out of this.

"I'm sorry," I said to Okuyasu, before jumping up, kicking off him to run into the house. One of my brothers was in danger.

I winced as the sound of his vacuum echoed through the air. Unfortunately, he'd miscalculated the distance.

I slammed into him with a force that rattled my spine, sending us both falling over backwards in a tangle of limbs.

Koichi had stopped at the gate, wide-eyed gaze staring at us. He'd just seen me fly backwards without any reason- against all logic and rules of physics. I grimaced, making a mental note to visit the artist again.

He would be pissed about it, but he still owed me for turning my friend into a book. Right. The friend that was currently pinned beneath me, cross-eyed due to the unfortunate collision of my elbow with his head.

Taking advantage of his sudden dazed state, I scrambled up and made another dash for the front door. I made it this time.

"Stay out there," I called to Koichi, then darted inside.

I stopped in the entryway, gaze frantically sweeping around me. A hallway led deeper into the house, a staircase to my right.

There was only silence.

I bit my lip, hating not knowing what was going on.

But we outnumbered them- four to two.

I took a hesitant step forwards.

A silhouette emerged from the shadows, and I paused. He gave me a careful once-over.

"Josuke. Okuyasu talked about you."

My gaze went straight to what he held in his hand. An arrow, glistening in the dim light. The arrow.

If he knew me, though, then he had to have something up his sleeve. If he was standing in front of me, aware of the power of my stand, then he had something equally as powerful to use on me.

I hesitated.

He let out a soft breath.

"You have a useful power. It's a shame you won't be leaving this house alive."

At that exact moment, Okuyasu stumbled back into the house. And Keicho revealed his stand in a sparkling flurry. I rolled, and a piercing shout echoed through the house as Okuyasu was caught with it right in the face.

Blood sprayed, and he stumbled back with a cry.

Keicho swore, backing up.

"You filthy bast*rd!" he shouted, face flushed as he stared at his brother. "You're useless! Stop getting in my way!"

Okuyasu was in too much pain to hear it, face punched through with holes. Keicho turned back to me, teeth grit, knuckles white around the arrow. Those sparks flashed again, and reflexes saved me.

The wall exploded next to me, my fist lodging in Okuyasu's collar as I hauled him out behind me. We fell to the ground as holes punched through the wood above us, safely beneath the floor and out of his range.

After he made no moves to come after us, I turned my attention to the man bleeding out in front of me. He was remarkably quiet for the wounds he had, the holes in his face pumping out blood to coat his tan skin.

Koichi, who'd been standing by the gate, had seen us.

He now stood, complexion paling rapidly as he stared at the teenager below me.

"What is your brother's stand?" I asked suddenly. His eyelids fluttered weakly, though didn't open. I grit my teeth, sitting back with a breath.

"I.. can't... betray my bro," he croaked out. As frustrating as it was, I understood.

"Then you leave me no other choice," I said solemnly. One eye was cracked open, wincing as he saw Crazy Diamond materialize over my shoulder, fist raised as its eyes burned into his head.

He winced, though a soft golden glow suffused his face. I stood, already moving back towards the door.

I froze as he stood at the entrance, gaze on Koichi. Our classmate's gaze was on Okuyasu, mouth dropping.

"What's going on?" he asked suddenly, gaze moving to me.

I had no time to respond before Keicho tossed the arrow from hand to hand.

Then he pulled his arm back and threw it.

Any normal arrow would go a few feet before dropping to the ground.

Any normal arrow wouldn't be able to pierce anything with that force.

But this wasn't any normal arrow.

So this arrow punched right through Koichi's throat, pushing out the back- slick with blood. I stood there in mute horror, watching as he toppled backwards.

Keicho had been looking for a distraction.

And he'd gotten one.

HAha yes... me reviewing this completely forgot that Koichi got a stand.... he may not ever show up again, nor may this ever be mentioned again... oops. Oh well. Things happen. It wouldn't be a proper fanfic without a blatant plothole I suppose. Enjoy besides!

Anyways, thanks again for reading! I hope you are continuing to enjoy my work!

Have an amazing day!


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