Chapter 10

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"Alex I came a few days before... what the hell Alex?! Who is he? Where's Tom?"

"Uh...erm...umm well he's a friend and Tom cheated on me with Amy twice and he's Dave and honestly I don't know what our relationship is"

"Oh hell no Tom better watch out! Are you ok?"

"Umm yeah... how'd you get in my house?"

"Well the spare key isn't well hidden I mean who puts it in a potted plant? I mean its easy to see. So that's how."

"Oh yeah..."

"So where do I sleep tonight?"

"Umm take the room across from Kaylee."


With that he left. Dave looked at me and then sighed and just laid down. I laid down next to him and drifted off to sleep.

~Next Morning~

I woke up and got dressed in Dave's shirt from the day before and a pair of black skinny jeans and white converse. I brushed my hair and teeth and then went downstairs to see Dave talking to my brother Tyler but we call him Ty for short.

"Hey Ty"

"Hey sis"

"You ready for school?"

"Uh no. I'm not going!"

"Ty go get ready"




"That's what I thought."

With that he walked upstairs

"Damn your strict!" Dave chuckled

"I know" I smirked

"I love your shirt" he said cheekily

"Thanks! I found it on the bed and thought hmm it's awesome." I laughed

"Awesome! I'm glad I brought an extra one." He laughed

"C'mon lets go to school."

"Okay" he smiled

When we got to school when I got to school some random girl pushed me into my locker and called me a slut.

I shrugged and smiled at her.

I was walking to my class when someone pulled me into an empty classroom and pinned me against the wall.

"Can we talk" he asked

"I don't want to talk to you!" I growled

"Please? I made a mistake!" He begged

"No you didn't, I did! I trusted you!"

I had my phone out and knew where the keys were and pressed 1... Dave's speed dial. He picked up after three rings.

"Please let me go" I begged

"No just let me explain I have you in here for a reason!" He shouted

"Where are we anyways?!" I asked

"In Mrs. Soto's classroom" he answered

A few seconds later he smashed his lips on mine, I missed his lips but he cheated on me twice. I tried to push him off and I managed to pull away and right when I did the door opened and Dave tackled Tom and they were fighting.

Dave grabbed my hand and pulled me out and we ran out the building. We ran all the way to my house and that's when I noticed his busted lip and bloody nose. As soon as we got there I pulled him to the restroom and sat him on the toilet and started wiping the blood off of his face.

"Thank you so much Dave."

"No problem.'' He smiled

After that his nose stopped bleeding I took him to my room and we watched several movies till Ty and Kaylee got home. Kaylee walked in and saw us and pulled me out of my room and into hers.

"Why were y'all here and not in school?" She asked suspiciously

"Well Tom pulled me into Mrs. Soto's empty class and started kissing me so I called Dave and helped me out, then they got in a fight and then we ran home." I stated

"Oh my god! Dave got in a fight to help you?! He totally likes you"

"No he was just helping."

"Fine go back to him!"

I walked into my room and saw Dave asleep, he looked so cute when he was asleep. I took a picture of him and posted it to Facebook "my sleeping beauty lmao xD" I tagged him and posted it. I walked over to him and laid down next to him and eventually fell asleep.

~2 Hours Later~

{Dave's P.O.V}

I woke up and saw Alex asleep in my arms, and then my phone kept vibrating in my pocket. I checked it and there weren't any messages only 1 Facebook notification from Alex and saw it was a picture of me sleeping. I felt a phone vibrating and saw it was Alex's and it was next to me. There were 127 messages all from Tom and an unknown number. I got up stretched and then took off my cloths so I was only in my boxers. I walked to her t.v. to turn it off and I had to go in front of the window and noticed Tom had his open and was looking over. I laughed and turned off the t.v. and saw Alex get up and walk out. I was sitting down on her rolling chair on my phone when Alex walked in with a big plate of food. She walked over to me and sat on my lap, and started feeding me. She was absolutely beautiful! I wanted I needed her! After we finished eating she leaned into my chest, and buried her face in the crook of my neck. I kissed her forehead and I guess just enjoyed the moment.

I had my lips pressed against her forehead when I saw a flash, I looked up to see Kaylee with her iPhone out. I started laughing and then Alex got up and threw herself on the bed and got on her phone and saw all of Tom's messages an sighed. She got up and got a hoodie and put it on and grabbed her shoes. She walked outside and I saw her going to Tom's house and I couldn't help but feel jealous. I got on my phone and got on Facebook and saw all of my notifications they were from Alex liking my pictures and statuses, that brought a smile to my face.

I was going through my newsfeed and saw Alex's status

Status:I've never been so confused! </3 #Done!!

What's wrong? I thought she was into me but apparently not. I was thinking when she walked in.

"Hey!" She squealed


"What's wrong?"

"Umm maybe that you make me feel like you like me and then you just confuse the fuck out of me." I said sadly

"O-oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to... I do like you but I thought you didn't like me."

"I don't like you... I love you!"

Hope y'all enjoy <3 :)x-SMURF

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