Chapter 1 (Isn't he lovely)

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Well hey there I'm Denise, but u can call me Smurf. :) well I hope u like my stories well here it is. :)

Hi I'm Alexis Dimarco but you can call me Alex, I'm your average teenage girl. I'm 17 years old I'm in between short and tall, I'm kinda skinny, my best friend is Amy Lopez.

"Honey we want what's best for you, so we bought you a house in Plymouth for you and amy to finish your studies." my parents said as if it were nothing

"Plymouth as in Plymouth in England, in the UK?! You say it as if it were right around the freaking corner! When it's not I have to go over the freaking seas we're in Orange Freaking Grove Texas!" I screamed at them in pure anger "So when do I have to leave?!" I growled at them "Tomorrow" my parents said together "Fine" I said simply and stormed off to my room to call Amy when she finally picked up we talked about moving and she seemed pretty excited mainly because we were gonna spend a whole summer over there and then school so I guess that would be cool so we hung up so we could start packing our things up.

I was packing my stuff when my mom walked in the room and said she was giving us money to decorate the house like for furniture and things like that, that didn't seem so bad did it? After telling me that she left and I finished packing up my cloths and posters and things like that after all tomorrow was Friday. All of my stuff was packed and we booked a flight to Plymouth and it was going to be a 13 hour flight so that should be fun but I had my BFF with me.

{after the flight,in Plymouth }

We landed and we got to the house and we blew up the air mattress we had bought,and fell asleep we woke up at 11:00 a.m. we got dressed and went into town and bought our furniture and had them set it up for us while we unpacked our things and when we finished it was 7:00 p.m. we were tired and hungry so we went to a Pizza Hut that was two blocks down. We ate there and walked back home and fell asleep.

{next morning at 9:00 a.m.}

I woke up got dressed and walked to the nearest bakery and got some doughnuts and a chocolate milk when I was right about to get to my drive way I ran in to something or should I say someone we both collapsed to the floor and I said I was sorry ,he wasn't paying attention to me because he was getting up and when he got up he helped me up and handed me my things.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention, are you ok?" He asked me

"It's ok neither was I. I chuckled and yeah I'm ok what about you?"

He chuckled then said "Yeah I'm fine too and I haven't seen you around here before, are you new here? Oh yeah I'm Tom Daley by the way" he said

"Cool and yeah I just moved here yesterday and I'm Alexis Dimarco, but you can call me Alex you wanna come in it's much warmer in there?'' I said trying to be nice

"Sure that would be lovely." he smiles sweetly

We walk in to the house and I find a note from Amy saying

" I'm going to a new friends house for the night I'll be back tomorrow well see ya later.

Love ya :)


I muttered shit I didn't think that Tom had heard but I was wrong he kindly asked what's wrong love? I just handed him the note and he said "Oh"

I looked at him for once actually paying attention to his features he was perfectly tanned, he had beautiful brown eyes, his short spiky brown hair he was very very attractive I smiled and then our eyes met and my cheeks turned a bright red realising that he had just caught me staring I looked away quickly. He smiled and asked if I wanted to watch a movie and I smiled and said sure, we decided on she's the man I put it in the Xbox and we sat on the couch and next thing I knew he had his head on my lap and I was playing with his hair. He was so cute the movie had just finished and I looked at him but he was already looking at me I blushed and he just smiled at me cockily and then I asked him if he was hungry or thirsty and he answered "a little" so I got up and asked him if he wanted to stay for dinner and he said "sure" so I went to the kitchen and started making grilled chicken breasts with mashed potatoes with gravy and corn. We ate and then I admitted to him that he was my first friend here in Plymouth and he smiled and said you're the first girl that didn't scream and pass out when we met I gave him a confused look and asked him why girls would scream and pass out and he said I'm an Olympic diver I just said "oh." And then we walked to the living room and asked him if he wanted to stay the night and he said I'd love to, and so we just laid on the couch and watched several movies and then the clock read 1 a.m. so I asked him if he wanted to go to bed and said sure so we walked to my room and I got dressed in my pyjamas and he stripped leaving him only in his boxers he smiled cockily and said "I hope you don't mind" "its ok I guess" was all I said, and with that I drifted off to sleep. I woke up a few hours later and looked at Tom who was already looking at me I smiled at him and he smiled back and then I scooted next too him and put my head in the crook of his neck and smiled because his body was comfy.

{Tom's P.O.V}

Here I am sharing a bed with a new best friend. She's actually really nice and she doesn't even care that I'm famous! She's beautiful, she's caught me staring twice which was kind of embarrassing but its nice to know that she's different, right now she has her face in the crook of my neck.when I woke up I had her in my arms, I enjoyed this a lot. I the clock read 2 a.m. I soon just drifted off to sleep in no time.

{ Amy's P.O.V}

I walked into my best friends room and saw something I didn't expect, my best friend cuddled up to some stranger that she probably didn't even know. I was pissed, and before I knew what I was doing I screamed "WHAT THE FUCK ALEX WE HAVEN'T LIVED HERE TWO DAYS AND YOUR ALREADY FUCKING THE NEIGHBOURS?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE YOUNG AND INNOCENT BUT APPARENTLY YOU'RE JUST YOUNG!!"

They both jumped out of bed and they were both blushing and she snapped at me "we didn't do anything we're just friends he's my first/best friend here, and I'm not just young and you should know that I mean I tell you everything!"

"Oh" was all that I replied feeling really stupid

{Alex's P.O.V}

Me and Tom both woke up to a very pissed off Amy, honestly I was kind of scared I'd never seen her that mad. She thought I had, had sex with Tom! He was my first friend, and plus we had just met. I got mad and snapped at her "we didn't do anything we're just friends he's my first/best friend here, and I'm not just young and you should know that I mean I tell you everything!!", and what made me madder was that she just said "oh" so I just pushed her out of my room and looked at Tom who stood there in shock at what had just happened I just walked to my bed and threw myself on it. Tom laid down next too me and asked "is everything was ok?" I said "yeah I'm fine" and gave him a small smile

Tom said "ok cool" and he returned the smile and started getting dressed and looked at me and said "Get up we're going out." He said smiling so I groaned and got up and got dressed and got ready and walked out of my bathroom and into my room to find a sleeping Tom. I went and laid down next to him and played with his hair, when he rolled over in his sleep and onto me I tried to move but couldn't so I just laid there, after all if you can't beat em join em so yeah.

{Tom's P.O.V}

I woke up and couldn't find Alex anywhere so I got up and looked around until I saw her I had fallen asleep on her? I felt so bad then I thought that maybe I could make it up to her so I left her room and as I was leaving I looked at Amy i think was her name, and well let's just say if looks could kill I'd be dead. I walked out and headed straight to the nearest Burger King and ordered 3 burgers, 2 chicken strip baskets, 3 Pepsi's and paid and went back to Alex's house and knocked and Amy answered and made a face and went to slam the door, but I put my foot in the way and walked in. I gave Amy her things and went to Alex's room only to find her still asleep. I walked up to her and whispered in her ear to "wake up" and she got up and I handed her the food and we talked, ate and joked around. We had just finished when her laptop went off telling her someone was skyeping her so she got up and got her computer and answered.

{Alex's P.O.V}

I opened up my laptop and answered it only to be greeted by my parents on the other end. My mom look around and landed on Tom, she looked really mad and asked who he was in a very pissed off manner. I looked at Tom and said oh he's my best/first friend here in Plymouth his names Tom Daley. She said oh and then we all talked until she had to go. Tom looked at his phone as it vibrated indicating he had a text message. He opened it and he had a sudden change in moods,he got up and said that he had to go so I said ok and we walked out together and he walked me outside and asked me if I wanted to go to his diving practice tomorrow I shrugged and said "sure why not?"and he smiled and said ok I'll pick you up at 4p.m and I said ok and he gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek. I went back inside and went to my room and started cleaning up the mess that me and Tom had made with the food and stuff when I found Tom's phone.

Isn't he lovely (a Tom Daley fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now