Chapter 4

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{Alex's P.O.V}

Amy stormed in and started to throw things around and started cussing at us, me and Kaylee just stood there and watched her. " You're a stupid little brat Alex, did you know that?" Amy yelled

"Oh yeah I'm the brat, well I'm not the one who's throwing a little tantrum.You know what get out of my house! I never want to see you again!" I yelled in pure anger

Amy walked out and went to her room and started packing and an hour later she was gone.

~Next Day~

I woke up, got ready, and went downstairs to make breakfast. I decided to make pancakes, bacon, and eggs for me and Kaylee. I set the table and then went to wake up Kaylee, but to my surprise she was already awake texting somebody.

"Getcho ass downstairs woman!" I shouted causing her to laugh. We both walked downstairs and ate our breakfast and then she got a text and said she had to go to town, so she left me all alone at home. I decided to take a walk around the neighbourhood so, I started walking when I saw that there was a Hobby Lobby not more than a block away. I walked in and saw beautiful decorations for my house and things like that, so I got several decorations,mirrors,lamps,and many other beautiful things. I got 3 plain red t-shirts and got some white fabric paint and then some black fabric paint and some black iron-on letters that was going to be a special gift to two of my best friends.

When I got home I went straight to my room with all the things I needed for the shirts, and started decorating them. When I finished them mine said "Thing 1" on the front and with the iron-on letters on the back it read "Dimarco" and Kaylee's said "Thing 2" on the front "Lozano" on the back and Tom's said "Thing 3" on the front and "Daley" on the back. It took me an hour to finish each shirt, so about 3 hours total. Next I hung them up in my closet so they could finish drying, while I went down stairs and decorated with the new decorations and stuff. When I finished the house looked absolutely beautiful. I looked at the clock and it read 5 o'clock I was still home alone, and Kaylee was still "out" so I decided to watch a movie. After 10 minutes of trying to decide I decided on Bean. It was so hilarious that I almost died laughing! After the movie finished Kaylee came home and looked at the house in amazement.

"WOW! it's beautiful where'd you get all the stuff?!" She asked in awe

"At Hobby Lobby, I got bored and went for a walk and found a hobby lobby so I bought all of this." I said

"It's amazing!" She smiled sweetly

"Thanks.!" I said happily

{Kaylee's P.O.V}

I walked in after an amazing date with Liam. He was so sweet, I've liked him ever since I heard of the band. I'm a Directioner and so is Alex. She likes Zayn, but I don't think she like wants to date him. He's like her celebrity crush I guess? I know one things for sure she likes Tom a lot! When I looked around inside the house it looked amazing! She had decorated the house and everything.

~3 weeks later~

{Alex's P.O.V}

Me and Tom got closer, we're like BFF's I guess you could say. I was calling a best friend meeting at mine and Kaylee's house tonight so I could give them their shirts and everything. Liam and Kaylee were official, they had been going out for 3 weeks now. I walked over to Tom's house and was about to knock when the door flew open. Tom smiled at me and said hey Alex. I smiled and invited him and he said he would be there and with that he left. I walked back home to see Kaylee and Liam eating each others faces off in the kitchen. I screamed jokingly "AHHHH NO PDA IN THE KITCHEN!!!!"

" We'll see about that when you and Tom start going out!" She replied sarcastically, while Liam said "awww Alex has a crush on Tom that's so adorable!"

In reply I just blushed, and then the door bell rang so I opened it to see Tom smirking at me. I said hey Tom and he held out his phone and said you butt-dialled me. I started blushing

"Uhh...umm... H-how much of that did you umm hear?" I asked slightly stuttering

"The whole thing" he said while smirking at me

"Oh god I'm so-" I was cut off by Tom's lips crashing onto mine. We both pulled away when Kaylee said " you see I told you that she wouldn't care where she was when she kissed Tom!"


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