Chapter 28 Power of A Thousand Words

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Japeth suddenly stilled, realizing something. If NotRafal was supposed to be some sort of mirage created by the Storian and the Storian was now no more, then why was NotRafal still here?

"You are Rafal, the real Rafal," Japeth blurted, looking at his father. "So what? You just decided to watch over me, guide me and then show yourself out of nowhere?

Rafal slipped away from the windowsill and glided towards Japeth. He stopped in front of Japeth and bent his head as if in regret or in respect. Japeth didn't know which.

"A long time ago, I entrusted a piece of my soul into one of your scims, the same Scim that showed you the truth; that I was your father and the true path you needed to take," Rafal told Japeth, his blue gaze twinkling. "And despite the fact I killed your mother, you followed the path I set out for you. Why? Because you desired love just as I did once upon a time. You chose everything over a boy, a boy who meant more to you than anything else in your life. Your love for Aric means more to you than blood, more than a crown, more than anything. You followed your own path, not because I wanted you to, but because you were following your heart. And it led you to this moment. I showed up when I had to because you needed guidance and I was the only one who could give you that."

Rafal's words sunk deep into Japeth's soul, winding itself around him, cutting through him. He'd despised his father before for being the cause of his mother's death and for leaving his family over Sophie, but Rafal was the only who understood Japeth. He understood what it meant to destroy his own blood for love, to do everything it took to find a Never After. Aric was Japeth's happy ending. Aric was everything to Japeth.

"I'm proud of you, Japeth," Rafal continued, drawing closer. "You accomplished what I could not. Now that you've attained the powers of the Storian, man has become pen. But I warn you, the balance between good and evil is a delicate one. If that balance were to tip, well..."

Japeth didn't care about the balance between good and evil. All he cared for was getting Aric back. Rafal just didn't want Japeth to mess up like he did when the sun almost died that one time and life in the endless woods almost ceased to exist.

"I'm not gonna burn the whole woods down if that's what you're worried about," Japeth scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I've got this."

But deep down, Japeth didn't yet know the great responsibility that he now held in his hands. The ultimate power he had taken was something that wasn't to be used for wrong doing.

"It's time for you to make your peace. Return your lost love. Truly become king—the One True king, master of fate itself. That's all on you now," Rafal said. His tone was steady and Japeth felt that familiar spark of excitement come back to him, making his whole body tingle in anticipation of Aric's inevitable return.

Japeth conjured Lionsmane, now no longer a Scim at all, but an actual pen. No longer was Lionsmane a shade of pure gold. Instead, it was a deep black adorned with shimmering amethyst gems, the same shade of color as Aric's violet eyes.

Japeth gripped The Tale of the Lion and the Snake in his hands as Lionsmane hovered above it. It was time for a new story. It was time for the beginning of the end.

So with a heavy intake of breath, Japeth directed his hand downwards, fist tightening around Lionsmane. The ink dripped onto the page and Japeth's hand shook. With a flourish, he began to write, his heart thrumming faster and faster with each word that he inscribed on the page.

The Storian was no more and with the rise of the One True King, a new era had come. Tedros had been beaten and "Rhian" was victorious. But peace for the woods was the last thought that crossed the king's mind. The king desired peace for himself, a peace in the form of love.

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