Sato and Kaminari - chocolate chips

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Sato: Don't ever let a recipe tell you how many chocolate chips to put in. You measure that with your heart.

Kaminari: One time, I had a dream that I was making peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, and most of them were the regular measurements in cups and stuff. But at the end of the recipe, instead of saying 2 1/2 cups of chocolate chips, it said 627 chocolate chips

Kaminari: So when I woke up, I made some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and instead of measuring out chocolate chips, I counted them 

Kaminari: Well, it turns out that 627 chocolate chips is the amount that the recipe called for (2 1/2 cups) and not only that, but 627 was the exact amount of chocolate chips that we had left in the house


Sato: Forbidden knowledge was granted you that night

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