Jiro x Kaminari - concert

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Class had just let out for class 1-A, and Kaminari was scrambling to get all of his stuff together. His books and papers he simply shoved into his bag, keeping a close eye on the dark-haired girl who sat beside him. She wasn't in any hurry, and started leaving before him.

He whipped his bag over his shoulder and ran to catch up with her after saying a quick goodbye to his friends. The concert tickets were in his pocket, just where he'd put them that morning. Hopefully, if he was smooth enough, she would actually say yes to going with him. After weeks of planning and days of psyching himself up, he would be crushed if she turned him down (though, he wouldn't dare show it). "Jiro!" he called after her, waving his hand to get her attention. "Hey, Jiro, wait up!"

She stopped beside Momo, who had been walking with her. "Kaminari, what's up?"

He stopped in front of her and shot her his biggest smile, though he could feel the corners of his lips trembling slightly. "I was actually wondering if you were doing anything this weekend! I've got tickets to the concert for that band you like, um..."

She raised an eyebrow. "I like a lot of bands, which one?"

"The one with the girl with the long pink hair and the white stripes on her face?" Kaminari described, using his hands to mime out the features. "They're a rock band."

"Oh, do you mean CandySkulls?" Jiro, though she was never one to emote that much, looked like her dark eyes brightened a little bit. "Their current shows have been sold out for months, how did you manage to score tickets?"

"Ah, you know, I just used my manly charms," he said, flexing and winking. 

Jiro was not impressed, and it showed.

He straightened up and waved it off. "Plus, I have a friend who's working backstage for the show, so he was able to get me two tickets to see them this weekend." His smile lessened a little bit and became more anxious. "I overheard you talking to Mina about how much you liked, them, and thought that maybe you would want to go see it. With me. This Saturday?"

Momo looked between the two of them and gestured in the direction of the lunchroom. "I think I'm going to go get in line for lunch. I'll leave you two to talk."

Jiro waited until Momo had disappeared from view to respond to Kaminari. "Why are you asking me all of a sudden? You've never shown interest in the past... Is this because Uraraka rejected you that first week of school and you're just looking for anyone to date?" Her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"What? No! No, not at all." He scratched the back of his head and tried to give her a bright smile, though he expected he wasn't doing too well. "I've actually been wanting to talk to you for a while, but it never seems like the right time."

"There's never a right time for these kinds of things, Jiro retorted.

He laughed breathily. "Yeah, I suppose you're right. Anyway, I've been trying to figure out the best time to ask you, but each time I build up the courage, something goes wrong."

Her face lit up in understanding. "Wait, is that what the whole Tamale Situation was about last week?"

Kaminari put his hands on his face. "Ugh, I thought we agreed to never bring up the Tamale Situation again." He brought them down and smiled. "But, yeah, that was one of my failed attempts to ask you about the concert."

"And when you tripped over your own feet during class in front of me three days ago?"

"That was me trying to slide in all cool-like."

"And when you--"

He cut her off. "Yes, if I did something embarrassing, it's probably because I was trying to ask you out."

Jiro stared at him for a moment, then started to giggle. His eyes widened. He hadn't seen her giggle like this any time except when he overused his power and was in Idiot-Mode. "So," she said, once she had calmed down, "this Saturday, huh?"


"What if I'm busy this Saturday and can't go?" She crossed one arm in front of her stomach and rested her other elbow on her hand, twirling one of her jacks around her finger. 

Kaminari's heart dropped into his feet, and he could feel the blood draining from his face. "I-um-I guess I would see if I could trade them in for another weekend when you're available?"

She frowned. "You wouldn't just give them away to someone else? Or try to return them?"

"Well, I got them because I knew you liked them," he said, shrugging. "If you weren't able to go this weekend, then I'd try and figure out a different weekend that worked for you." He smiled sweetly at her, and she paused, her finger freezing in place.

"You'd actually do that?"

He nodded, shrugging. "That's why I got them after all. For you."

She stared at him, unmoving, unblinking until Kaminari started to awkwardly shift between his feet. The rest of their class had already gone for lunch by now, and the hallway was starting to clear out. They were the only students in their part of the hall, and it was starting to get awkward feeling her stare at him.

"So..." he trailed off. "Is that a no?"


His head fell. "Oh."

"Wait, no!"

"Huh?" He looked up at her face, which was glowing in a way he had never seen before. Her eyes were lit up from within, her lips curved into a small smile, even her jacks perked upwards.

She looked at the floor and shifted her feet. "My answer is yes."

And suddenly, it felt like the world was spinning correctly again. His heart started to beat, and he could feel his hands. Kaminari hadn't even realized that he'd lost feeling in his hands, for those few meager seconds of panic. His crestfallen expression morphed into one of pure glee. "Are you serious?!"


He couldn't contain his excitement and let out a loud woo! Mr. Aizawa stuck his head out of the classroom and glared at them. "Go to lunch!" he ordered.

"Right! Sorry, Mr. Aizawa!" Kaminari apologized, not losing his smile for one moment. He turned back to Jiro. "I'll pick you up at six this Saturday, then!"

She smirked. "You better, otherwise Monday is going to be hell for you." She turned around and headed for the lunchroom, her hands buried in her pockets. At first glance, you wouldn't be able to tell, but she had a little bounce in her step that wasn't present before.

Kaminari waited until she was around the corner to pump his fist into the air and let out a quiet, "YES!" He'd done it! He'd finally asked out Kyoka Jiro on a real date! He whistled as he bounced down the hall after her, much more excited for the rest of the day than before.

A/N Whoo. It was harder to write this one, but I really love KamiJiro, so I had to. 

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