Chapter 13 Stay With Me

Start from the beginning

Had a prisoner gotten loose from the dungeons? Had something dreadful happened that caused Rhian to call more guards to patrol the halls?

Japeth started up to a random guard, clearing his throat to get the guard's attention. The guard glanced at him and quickly bowed at the sight of him because apparently it was courtesy to show respect towards the King's brother. Japeth wanted to roll his eyes in annoyance at the guard's actions. After all, Japeth wasn't used to being treated like royalty, but he pushed away his darkening thoughts.

"What's with all the guards?" Japeth asked, crossing his arms.

"King Rhian ordered us to double the patrols because of the recent change," The guard said.

"What change?" Japeth questioned, wondering why Rhian hadn't told him about this so called "change."

"Didn't you hear?" The guard asked dumbly. "Queen Sophie has a new steward. It's Tedros. He is to be released from the dungeons any time now, and King Rhian wanted us all to be on full alert in case Tedros tries anything stupid when he gets out."

Japeth swear he felt a blood vessel burst when he heard this. This was an outrage! Tedros was to be executed alongside all his friends in a matter of days and now Rhian thought it was a good idea to let him out?

"Where's my brother now?" Japeth asked, the disbelief clear in his tone. The scims magically concealed from view squirmed in anger, clearly wanting nothing more but to give Rhian a piece of their minds.

The guard looked a taken back by Japeth's tense posture. Japeth's shoulders were squared and his fingers were clenched into fists. He was sure his icy gaze was storming in barely restrained rage too.

"King Rhian is getting ready for the day. I'm sure he's quite busy and doesn't want you interrupting his preparations—" The guard started, but Japeth was already turning to walk away.

If Rhian was getting ready, the only place he'd be was in his room, so Japeth headed for the King's chambers. He could feel his insides burn as if his blood had turned to boiling lava, and he gritted his teeth in a snarl as he stalked through the palace, startling a group of maids standing around who gave him weary looks.

Japeth halted in front of the door leading into the King's chambers and raised his fist, about to knock. A sudden voice spoke up behind him and he dropped his fist; "I'm afraid the king is occupied at the moment, Sir Japeth."

Japeth narrowed his eyes to slits and spun to find no other than Kei standing there in armor and all. Kei's expression was hard and emotionless like his face was carved out of stone. Japeth would've loved nothing more but to slap Kei just to get him to make a face other than his usual stony expressions he always wore.

"I must speak with him immediately," Japeth persisted, reaching for the door knob. "I'm sure Rhian isn't that busy."

Kei's flat tone stopped him once more; "His majesty has a meeting with a few delegates to discuss wedding plans. Then, he's got to discuss execution matters and address the topic of Tedros's release."

Japeth felt his eye twitch in rage as he turned back to Kei, giving him the coldest look imaginable. Kei didn't flinch. The Captain of the guard remained poised and calm like a true soldier and Japeth felt frustration eat at his insides, mixing with the rage within him.

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