Chapter 12 A Worthy King

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Sophie looked back at him, her arms crossed in annoyance. "Well, I'd much rather be bombarded to death by my millions of fans than to be stuck in this smelly carriage alongside the likes of you," She said in a matter of fact tone.

Rhian struggled not to flinch at Sophie's jab. He ascertained that Sophie was correct in the fact that walking would be easier than staying cooped up in this carriage for thirty minutes.
He stood up in defeat and gestured for her to get out.

"Walking would be faster than this carriage ride," Rhian admitted. "But I'm coming with you. The church isn't far from here. If we make it successfully past the crowds, we'll arrive at the Church in no time."

They were about to exit the carriage when an idea suddenly occurred to Rhian. If they wished to get through the crowds without trouble, they would have to blend in. Rhian caught the coach's attention who was struggling to maneuver the carriage along.

With little effort, the coach gladly gave Rhian his navy blue cloak and his cap. Rhian handed the cloak to Sophie and placed the cap on his own head, pushing it down to obscure his eyes while Sophie reluctantly slipped the cloak on and threw the hood over her head to cover her face.

Sophie and Rhian cautiously crept around the carriage and slipped into the crowd which offered no resistance as they approached. It was a miracle the crowd hadn't seen Rhian and Sophie exit the carriage with all their focus on chanting Sophie and Rhian's names like a bunch of giddy fans eager to catch a glimpse of their idols.

The crowd was bigger than Rhian once thought and fearing that Sophie would easily slip away from him, he grabbed her hand to keep her close. "Stay by my side," he told her, his voice loud so he could be heard over the noisy crowd.

Sophie showed no signs that she'd heard his injunction, and Rhian tightened his grip on her hand as he tugged her along, pushing past people and creatures alike. Through the bustling crowd, Rhian glimpsed the peaks of the church just ahead, and he hurried along faster, quickening his pace as Sophie followed him.

As Rhian brushed past an ogreish family who were waving golden lion flags in the air, he overheard the stumpy ogre child complaining; "But Mama! I want to meet the king of Camelot. I heard he slayed the Snake with his bear hands!"

The ogre child's mother scolded him, her voice stern; "Now, now Boy. You quit with your whining. The King is a very busy man. He's got enough on his plate without having to meet nagging children like you. You're fine, son. Remember that I promised you a lion mask if you behaved well."

The Ogre mother nodded in a direction, and Rhian followed her gaze to a stand nearby where a salesperson was selling plastic lion masks and fake Excaliburs. Suddenly, the Ogre child looked up at Rhian and Rhian watched the child's face contort in excitement. He thrust a clawed finger towards Rhian and tugged eagerly at his mother's dress; "Mama! Oh, Mama!" He exclaimed. "It's the king!"

The Ogre mother looked annoyed at her son but she glanced up anyway, in Sophie and Rhian's directions. Before she could catch a glimpse of his face, Rhian stealthily snatched a plastic lion mask from the stand and slipped it on.

The ogre mother saw nothing but another lion fan, and she snorted contemptuously at her son.

Rhian and Sophie left the ogre child and the ogre mother behind as they neared closer to the church. Rhian could see Camelot guards posted outside the doors of the church and a line of guards circling the church as well, working to keep the crowds away from the building. Rhian and Sophie approached and a Camelot guard thrust out his hand to keep them at bay.

"Sorry folks," the guard told them. "This church is reserved for the Blessing of the King and Queen."

Rhian slipped off his lion mask and Sophie lowered her hood. The guard's eyes bulged in surprise and he quickly stepped aside to let them pass. "My deepest apologies, your majesties," the guard blurted. "You were expected to arrive by carriage—"

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