New students and potions.

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Zoe's p.o.v

The train had just stopped so I got up and rushed out really quickly before it got crowded .

I quickly made my way to the Hogwarts and entered the nearly empty school...
Suddenly a storm like sound boomed around me making me shiver not again God this is basically this guy wich has a crush on me everyone knows but he bullies me.

"Now please come jack"


"Now come sophie"


"Linda come


"Benny please"


"Teresa please come "


"And finally lizzie"


"Finally it's over I mumbled to myself.

"I'm Sophie can I sit next to you"Sophie said sweetly to me she had dark blue eyes and flowing brown hair.

"Sure"I said smiling to her sweetly

"Thank you"she sweetly whispered.


We had finished eating and potions class had now started,i headed over swiftly to the potions classroom to meet up with my one and only friend Olivia.

"Hey Olivia"i shouted across the giant crowd of stuck children.

"Hey Zoe umm...I can't get across"olivia shouted at first I laughed then I realised she was right there were like 100 kids between us.

"Uhh... Ok" I shouted back over to her.

Suddenly Olivia frantically started pointing to her left where there was a hall way.

I realised what she meant because if you went that way it will get to be a shortcut to the potions class so both went through the hall ways until we reached each other and I said hi again.

We both sat down next to each other talking waiting to be told what we are going to be doing today.

Suddenly the teacher spoke up and told us we were going to be making love potions,we both got the ingredients needed and a bottle and started to try and make a love potion with what we had.

Many of the other kids could not make anything and neither could we so we just sat there and started to talk again.

Finally a boy named Bertie that came up and said he was done.

The teacher checked is posted on congratulated him for getting it right then he asked eanyone else if they were going to be done soon.

Another small girl came up and said she was done.

He again congratulated the girl and then said you must now start working on your thing again whoever finishes first gets some chocolate.

"Okay start working now" he said to us

I slowly picked up the ingredients in the potion once again started to try and make the solution needed to unlock the chocolate.

Me and Olivia had no luck at first so we went back to talking and hoped the teacher wouldn't realise we weren't doing any work because it really didn't matter if we didn't get any chocolate what's the worst that could happen.

"You to get back on with your work now stop chattering now now now or else I shall put you in detention for one hours"he boomed at us.

Really annoyed I went back to making a love potion with Olivia and we again had literally no luck so did every one else I wasn't actually that annoyed because no one could do it so it wasn't that bad.

Suddenly to my surprise it actually formed into a magical love potion so me an Olivia had actually Done

"Yes" me and oliivia said in usion happily the teachers head turnt our way as he headed towards us.

"Well done and here you go"he said passing us a handful of random chocolates.


Me and Olivia sude by side headed to the Ravenclaw common t

Suddenly a hooded figure bumped into me as soon as the figure bumped into me he let out a laugh and left me on the floor.

"Are you ok....?"olivia whispered to me conserend.

"Yeah fine"i said.

Confused I tilted my head side to side looking for who bumped into me ugh.. I thought why would anyone do that.

Shaking the thought out my bumped head I hauled myself upright to carry on walking to the Ravenclaw common room.


Once we finally reached the common room I fell down on my back on my bed and dug my hand under my bed rummaging for a muggle toffee I loved when I found one buried under some cloths I got up only to see a laughing Olivia.

"Ugh..."I muttered as she grabbed her stomach in laughter.

"Why are you laughing."i mumbled

"Nothing"she giggled.

"Fine I'm going to sleep"i muttered to her as I climbed into my bed staring into the wall...

"Boo"olivia laughed.

"Shut up"i mumbled

"No thanks you Olivia says to Zoe"Olivia said trying to hold. In her swarm of laughter.

"Fine"i saidd

"Here eat this"olivia said

Without thinking I took a bean shaped thing an plopped it into my mouth suddenly a strike of well pure horribleness struck through my body God dam it I ate a disgusting Bertie bots every flavour BEAN!

"It tastes like sh@t"i shouted to her throwing up the sweet

"Yea it's slugs flavour yum"Olivia teased

"Why do I like you ?why are you my friend.?"i shouted annoyed

"Love you to"olivia said

I rested my head back on my pillow and fell into a deep sleep


I woke up in the medow and walked with
John to the horses to give them their
Food I walked over to the first horse and
Stuck out some food the horse tugged on it
So I let it go and the horse ate it all and
Nayed I giggled and ran to get more food...


"Wake up"olivia said tapping my shoulder.

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